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Narration:For as long as anyone can remember, good and evil have always been at odds with each other, always trying to tip the scales in their respective favors. Both sides have their representatives. For evil, it is inhabited by villains. Vile beings of pure shadow. Creating chaos and destruction, harming innocent, and doing anything they can to achieve their goals. However, where there are villains, there are always...heroes. People who use their abilities and skills to protect innocent people, and help their loved ones and communities. While the side of light usually is on top, both sides are equally balanced. However...what happens if one individual tries to disrupt the balance?

We cut to the city, with Annie Bramley and her best friend Pony. The two were trying to help get the cat of one of their friends Clara, out of a tree. Annie was trying to climb up the tree to get the cat.

Clara:Not that I don't appreciate you helping, but are you guys sure about this?

Annie:Of course. Pony and I want to help people, and what better place to start than helping a cat in a tree.

Pony:Helping people is what heroes do.

Clara:If you say so.

Annie was having a hard time getting up the tree.

Pony:Wouldn't it be easier just to do this?

Pony began shaking the tree. Annie ended up falling on the ground, with the cat falling on her face, scratching her. Clara pulled her cat off.

Clara:Look guys, I don't know if you're cut out for this hero thing.

Annie:What do you mean?

Clara:I just don't know if guys have what it takes to be heroes. No offense.

She then walked away.

Pony:Well, I don't think we did bad on our first hero task.

Though, the tree then landed on a car.

Annie:Maybe Clara's right. Maybe we're not cut out to be heroes.

Pony:Sure, things didn't go they way we wanted. But who knows, we might get a better opportunity.

Cuts to Amity Park, with Danny fighting his enemy, Vlad Plasmius.

Danny:You know Vlad, sometimes I wonder why you even bother at this point. You know you're gonna lose.

Vlad:You really should watch your cockiness, Daniel. It may come back to bite you.

Danny used his ghost powers and blasted Vlad away. Later, Danny was talking to his friends while at school.

Danny:You know, sometimes I wonder if there are other heroes like me out there.

Tucker:What do you mean?

Danny:Kicking butt with other heroes. How cool would it be to fight with people who could keep up with me?

Sam:That does sound pretty exciting.

Tucker:Hate to burst your bubble Danny, but the likeliness of something like that happening are about...1.7%

Danny:Still, who knows.

Meanwhile, Vlad had just returned to his lab from his fight.

Vlad:Yet another failure!

He sat in his chair, fuming.

Vlad:If only I could find likeminded evildooers who were on par with my intelligence! Then Daniel would never be a problem again!

Just then, as if the universe was listening, a huge portal opened up in his lab.

Just then, as if the universe was listening, a huge portal opened up in his lab

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Vlad:What the Fudgebuckets?!

The portal began pulling him towards it. Vlad tried to fly away, but the portal soon sucked him in, closing shortly after...

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