Louis' breathing grew heavy as he kept his eyes trained on Liam. Not only did he have to keep himself protected, but he had to keep his little boy safe as well. "He's not your little boy. He's mine and Harry's baby." He said calmly.

Liam scoffed, shaking his head. "He is just the donor Louis. Remember when he left you when you told him you were pregnant? No? Oh, well I do. I remember all those nights you would come crying to me. Especially the night after he raped you."

"He didn't rape me!" Louis snapped, sitting up a bit straighter in the bed. "He pushed against me and I got scared but he didn't do anything wrong. You're just trying to get him in trouble for something that he didn't do. But I tell you one thing. He could go kill somebody and I would never. Ever think about being with you. You and me will never happen so get it out of your head." He hissed, glaring at him.

Liam raised an eyebrow as he looked over at him. "Oh? Well I guess you know about Casey then? Since you're so open and honest with each other?"

Louis furrowed his eyebrows, looking over at Liam confusedly. "Casey? He whispered. Who was Casey?

"Casey. Harry's first baby." Liam said softly, looking over at Louis. "He was cheating on you Louis. He went and had another baby with someone close to you. Your best friend." He said slowly. Liam knew the truth but Louis didn't and that was all that matters.

Louis looked over at Liam with wide eyes, shaking his head quickly. "No he didn't. He wouldn't ever do that to me. H-He would tell me." He whispered, his bottom lip trembling. It was all a lie? It couldn't be, could it?

Liam sighed as he looked over at him. "I'm sorry Louis. Really, I am. But you deserve to know just how low he is. He's been out of her life since the birth and he'll do the same with you and the little one. It's best if you come home with me. Leave that punk in the dirt where he belongs."

Louis was so surprised. How could Harry keep such a big secret from him? But he still didn't want anything to do with Liam. He never would. "I want to talk to Harry." He decided, looking over at Liam.

Liam raised an eyebrow as he looked down at him. "He's just gonna lie and try to cover his ass up." He pointed out.

Louis looked over at Liam with watery eyes. "I-I want to talk to him." He whispered, glancing up at Harry and Gemma when he came into the room.

"Get the fuck away from my family." Harry growled, glaring at Liam.

Liam stood up, his arms crossed over his chest. "Why? You should go be with your daughter."

Harry looked at Liam confusedly. What was he talking about? Daughter? He had a son.

Gemma gasped slightly, sucking on her bottom lip nervously. "Liam, stop it!" She hissed, glaring at him.

Louis sniffled as he looked over at Harry, swallowing thickly. "W-Who is Casey?" He asked shakily, pressing his face against Jackson's fuzzy head.

Harry furrowed his eyebrows as he walked over to them, sitting beside him. "Casey? I don't know a Casey." He murmured honestly.

Louis shook his head quickly as he looked over at him. "Who is Casey?" He repeated, tears streaming down his face. "Tel me who she is Harry."

"She? Louis, I'm being honest. I don't know who Casey is." Harry repeated, reaching down to try and take Jackson into his arms.

Louis whimpered, clinging to Jackson tighter. "No. You've lied to me enough, tell me the truth." He whispered, looking at Harry brokenly. "How could you do this to me again? You promised me you wouldn't hurt me again."

"Hurt you? Louis, I would never hurt you again." Harry whispered, licking over his lips. "Let me hold my son." He said slowly.

Louis shook his head again.

"Why don't you go hold your daughter instead?"

(Sorry for such the long wait! School has been terrible lately :( Hopefully I can update more frequently since summer is coming! Hope you enjoyed! Don't forget to vote, comment and follow! Thanks for reading lovelies!xxx)

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