When Will finally made it over to them and dropped his bag down on the table, Pac couldn't help but to stare at him with disdain. Will hadn't even opened his mouth yet and Pac was already looking forward to the moment he left.

"It's about time you got here," Elizabeth teased her old friend as she rose to her feet. "I was starting to think you'd got lost."

"Am I supposed to act like you're a navigational genius, now?" Will wore a grin, one that many likely found charming and attractive – Pac, however, only found it aggravating. "Do your friends know how much you suck with directions, Liz? Or did I just blow your cover?"

"What? I've never been that bad," Elizabeth huffed.

"I have at least fifteen stories that say otherwise," Will gave a small laugh. "But for your sake, I guess I can play along."

"You're too kind. How did I ever make it without you here?"

Elizabeth and Will exchanged a long look after that, silent until they both broke character and erupted into laughter. Will opened his arms wide and Elizabeth wasted no time in sneaking her arms around his torso, hugging him tightly and with much excitement.

"Fuckin' hell, Liz!" Will sounded as though the breath had just been shoved from his lungs. "I missed you too. You've not got to suffocate me."

"Is that all I have to do to take you down now? That's rather disappointing, I have to admit," Elizabeth joked as they separated. Turning to the group at the table, she smiled brightly. "Will Ospreay, everyone."

Pac wasn't jealous. Not of Will Ospreay. Absolutely fucking not.

But this was turning out to be one of the most frustrating days of his life.

~ ~ ~

Three years had passed since Will and Elizabeth had last seen one another in person. The spring of 2019 had been the last chance that the two had had to meet up for dinner, as old friends would do, and Will remembered the day as if it just had happened a week.

A lot had happened over the course of those three years, not just in Will and Elizabeth's personal and professional lives, but just in the world in general. Though they had kept in contact over social media (and had video chatted on several occasions), Will would be the first to admit that they had never quite been as close as he wished they could have been.

Most of the blame could be placed on his own shoulders. Will knew that as well. In his own journey, he had the tendency to push others away and focus on what he needed to do in order to achieve his dreams. It was selfish, really, but he supposed it would be easier to beg for forgiveness once he had reached the top than to ask for permission for isolation.

One thing was certain, though, and that was that Will had missed Elizabeth. The realization hit him like a fucking truck as he and Elizabeth enjoyed a moment alone together outside of the arena. Even underneath the bright summer sun, he found that her smile was far more radiant and exhilarating.

Seeing her now, Will found himself overwhelmed with regret. He shouldn't have pushed her away. He should have tried harder to stay in contact with her. He should have done more.

Elizabeth deserved better than that. The aching in his chest that was only present when in her company stirred within him and Will subconsciously admitted to himself that, perhaps, he deserved a bit of the happiness that came with Elizabeth's friendship.

"How're you liking things here, in the states? With AEW?" Will asked. He himself had always preferred working other places around the world, where he'd have a bit more freedom to return home if he so desired.

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