Ch. 9 (Day 2 of the Project)

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At the 3-a Dorms

"Ugh! I'm tired..." Shigaraki whines, laying down on the Couch

"Y/ you know What's the plan?"

"Indeed I do, (Male name)! I invited the 1-a Class to our dorms so I can explain them all in detail" Jack's eyes widen

"wait- All of the Class?! Wh-why?"

"Well if we go there...Is going to be cramped, so Instead we go there I invite them over here" The other nodded, and then there was a knock on the door

"Coming..." (Female name) called, Walking over to the Door She open it to reveal the 1-a

"Good afternoon! (Female last name)-San! We were invited to come over here to discuss the project! We're sorry if we make you uncomfortable! Please excuse our behavior!" Iida said, with his Handy thing

"Yeah, Sure...Come in" (Female name) let the 1-a in and let them explore first

"Wow! Is humongous!" Hagaruke said

"Yeah! Is bigger than ours!" Mina squealed

"I-Is like a MANSION!-"

"O-Ochaco-Chan!" Tsuyu grabs Ochaco before she gets to the Floor, The 3-a Students Sweated at them but get shutter by Jack

"Urusai!" All of them turn hushed

"Shut up, And let Y/n Speak to you the First year!"

"We're sorry!" 1-a class shouted making Jack scowl at them

"Okay, Thank you, Jack- Uh...Anyway Going back to Business, The first thing we need to do heroes stuff like-"

"Beating a Fucking Villain!" Bakugou said Little explosion appears in his palm

"Yes, something like that- But we aren't going to do that! We're going t help the citizen instead...Beating a Villain, So I found our first quest!"
Todoroki raises his hand


"Where and Are we going to split up?"
Y/n smiles at him

"well, Our first Quest is, To clean an Abandon Mansion, The Local people said it has been Abandoned for 9 years, and It disturbed them...Why do you ask- well It says here that...There has been a Theif running in the Town, And people have been suspecting it, so is our job to help them! And yes, we're going to split up"

Todoroki nodded and then Y/n let (Female name) Speak

"I'll Explain the Group, there will be Two groups! First group;
Shigaraki, Toga, Dabi, Bakugou, Midoriya, Iida, Tokoyami, Mina, Shoji, Kirishima, Denki, Tsuyu, Ochaco, And Sero

The Second group:
Y/n, (Female name),  (male name), Twice, Compress, Spinner, Jack, Hagaruke, Jirou, Momo, Aoyama, Ojiro, Sat, Koda, Mineta...That is all of the lists, is that clear?"
All of them nodded, then (Male name) Speaks

"Tomura Team will be taking the Mansion, My team will take the Rest...Now don't waste time! Let's Move!" All of them yelled 'yeah' (Male name), Smirk at himself

At the Mansion (Shigaraki Team);

All of them arrived after an hour of Traveling, when they arrived they are shocked to see 3 People Standing In front of the mansion

"I told you Mirko! This is it! We can't change our Duty!"

"Since when did you start following Endeavor Keigo!?"

"You two! Shut up would you!?" The burning Hero A.K.A Moe Kamiji shout at both of them, Then Kamiji notice the Student arriving

"Hey! There are they-"

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