Ch. 1

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Tomura shouted running away from his table and so does the others in the Classroom
"What is Happ-" Then BOOM! A loud explosion can be seen and heard in Classroom 3a!
All of the Students look at Tamura's curiosity The Teacher A.K.A Mommy Kurogiri is furious
"Will you student explain?!" All of them Turn to Tomura and point at him

"Young Shigaraki...?" Shigaraki Flinch
"I-it wasn't me I swear! I don't know why but there's something under my table and accidentally push a button thingy so I looked down to see a bomb!"

Kurogiri sighed and shook his head
"Of you all the bell has ringed, you may go and eat...But for you Shigaraki, you must clean this mess, until is very clean" Kurogiri walked out and so did the other student, whispering about Tomura, Tomura sighed and begin cleaning his mess

an hour later

Tomura looked at the classroom which was all clean, he sighed in tiredness and walk-out of class, greeted by his Friends
"Yo! Shigaraki! Already clean?~" Dabi teased him, Hugging Tomura with his one hand, pulling him closer to Dabi

"Tomura! You done! well, it was a loud-Big explosion! anyway, Here! we saved you some Ohagi!" Tomura takes the Food away from Toga gently

"Thanks, Toga" Toga grinned and hugged Shigaraki Left hand

"Let's go to the cafeteria! before the break ends!"

The three of them walk to the Cafeteria on silent, it was comfortable quiet, and not about a minute they were already here
"Come on Tomura! let's go to our table!" Toga pull Tomura towards their table, leaving a chuckle Dabi saw the scene

"Yo! Boss over here!" Twice yelled making the other member look at him

"Ah...Shigaraki! You done cleaning?"
Shigaraki sits between Toga and Dabi while Twice, Spinner, and Mr.compress are The opposite of them (in front)

"You don't wanna know how tired am I..." Shigaraki said, looking at Mr.Compress who smile at him

"And Twice, stop calling me boss...even tho is a good name that im the leader in here-on our group but still, No" Twice chuckle and nodded his head then, They got their Food

"Is Curry! yay!" Toga grinned and begin eating and so does Twice and Compress

"Not gonna eat?" Dabi asked, chewing at his gum

"Nah, I prefer snacks over this...bigger meal whatever..." Spinner looked at Tomura

"...You can have it Shuichi" Spinner quickly grabbed the food from Shigaraki trait and Begin eating

"Nee, Tomura" Toga called him making Tomura look at her


"You know who put that bomb?" Shugaraki shook his head

"Wanna know who is it?" Shigaraki nods his head

"Let's find it together! since we're in the same class!" Toga smiled

"Ah...Sure, Okay I guess" For your information, Spinner, Mr.compress, Twice, Dabi, Toga, and Tomura are in the same class, and so does Shigaraki's secret crush that Only his group knows

"Anywho, do you know?! there is this cute broccoli guy in the First year! do you think ill be-friend with him?! he's soo cute!!" Twice heart broken into pisses After hearing that

"...45 Percent," Shigaraki said, eating his Ohagi, Toga grinned
"Im going there! wish me luck-" But then got grabbed by Tomura with his five hand

"Not now Toga...Eat first, finish your food"

"Aww, you care! oh, Tomura!" Making Tomura blushes and Irritated

"Shut up you Crazy!, Eat!" Tomura pull Toga to the Chair, Dabi just looked at them and then at the First year

"My brother is here too..." Dabi said, quietly but only Shigaraki heard

"Well? maybe later we're going to introduce ourselves after this is Mr. Stain's lesson"
Spinner's eyes are now full of sparkle, Compress chuckled at him, because he knew Spinner look up at him

The bell rang and the students begin going to their Class, and so does the 'Villains'

"Well, come on, Let's go to, Before the lesson started" Everyone at the table sweated nervously at Shigaraki...who is looking furious because they knew, he hates Mr.Stain

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