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"Well are you going to tell me or what?"


You backed away and slowly tried to get up as your hands touched the cold brick walls.

"Hey hey!" he put his hand out so that you'd stay sitting, "I'm not going to do anything! Just tell me what's wrong"
You were suddenly creeped, "Who are you! Why would I tell you that? Did you follow me?"
He bent down so you were face to face with a small smile, "My name is Emilio, you should tell me because I care and yes I did follow you"
"A-Are you crazy?! You followed me?" you shouted and his eyes widened a bit.
"No I'm not crazy. I followed you because I was interested in your story"
"My story?"
The man tapped his cheek, "Yes, your story"

You stared at the guy and he helped you up.
Of course you were hesitant but at the same time curious.

"I've been watching you for awhile actually. Seeing you wake up early everyday and get home late at night exhausted all because you need to work for your future.." he continued as you gave him a skeptical look, "So I was curious when you would finally break and I see you've done so in the middle of an alleyway!"
"You-! You don't know me you stalker!!" you shouted and poked his chest, "I hope you know it's illegal for a guy to follow a young girl home this late in the evening! I'll report you if you don't stay out my way"

You pushed passed the guy until he said something to catch your attention.

"I heard you say something about getting away? I can help you"

You turned to look at his rather appealing face. You were on edge and still on the verge of your mental breakdown.

"What are you talking about?"
The tall haired male walked up to you, "A young lady such as yourself shouldn't be working so hard. You're still so pretty and fruitful. I'll make you a deal if you're willing to listen" he grinned with pearly whites and you scoffed.
"I don't need help from anyone. Especially not some man! I'm independent and can take care of myself"
He smirked, "Oh so you're one of those? Well okay if you say so"

You watched as he turned around with a shrug.

"Have fun working your ass off sweet cheeks. When you go home to even more work I bet you'll regret your decision. Your relationship with your parents doesn't seem that well either. Don't you buy things for the house and lend them money?" he continued as you stiffened angrily, "I could've swore I seen you bring food home for your siblings aswell"
"Shut up!!" you yelled dropping your head and he cocked his head back.
"So? Want to hear my proposal?"
"I can buy you a car"

You looked up both surprised with shocked eyes.

"You don't like being the only one without a relationship at your job right? I can fix that too" he continued, "I can give you money whenever and even tutor you if you don't want me to do your schoolwork"

You stayed quiet as he continued.

"Your friends will probably be less on your ass if I show you off at school right? Not to mention home life can be much more different if you bring me around because I can cook and buy whatever.." he shrugged and took your hand.
"Emilio was it?" you smiled a bit desperate.
He kissed your hand, "That's right "

"What else can you offer me?"


You found yourself in his white sports car with your bags in his back seat.
When you had asked what else he could offer you, he looked surprised. He began to laugh loudly which has your face even heated right now.

"What else? The question is what can't I offer you?"

It was so weird.
It had to be a dream.

You glanced over at the smiling Emilio as he drove. He looked so lively.
As if he was on a whole different level than you and hadn't worked a day in his life. He was well built and taller than you aswell.
Of all people why did he pick you?

"What do you want in return?" you asked and he grinned anticipating the question.
"In return for me being your pretend boyfriend? Well.. if I tell you, you'll hate me"
You frowned, "I don't like you so I doubt that. You're a stranger after all"
"I suppose you're right" He parked the car down the street of your house, "So I'll tell you what I want"
He turned to you and rested his elbow on his car door, "I want you"
"Me? What do you mean?" you asked a bit embarrassed and he laughed cheekily.
"You're so innocent! I want your body.."
Your face flushed, "W-What? But I've never.."

He raised an eyebrow and you immediately knew.

"You're disgusting!"
"So?" He stuck a hand out, "Do we have a deal?"
"Let me get this straight.." you started uncrossing your arms, "You'll be my pretend boyfriend, buy me anything, and do anything I want just for my virginity?"
"Woah! When you put it like that you make me sound horrid" he pouted fakely with his hands over his face, "I am quite the romantic you know"

You began thinking to yourself.

"Anything? So you'll even help me get rich and into a good college"
He smiled, "Help? No but I will make it happen. If you want a statue of genocidal maniac, I'll make it happen"
"You rich prick" you scoffed as he continued to smile.
"What if I go back on our deal last minute" you asked and he narrowed his eyes.
"I'll kill you myself"
You gulped, "Morbid much..?"
"You can always say no" he shrugged, "It doesn't matter to me"
"Do I have a time limit?"

Emilio thought for a moment, "No"

"What?!" you gasped, "So technically I can use you for years?!"
"That's right"

It's too good to be true.

"And what happens after?" you scrapped up the courage to ask and he was confused.
"After what?"
"After the sex you dumbass!!"
"Well.. That's the end of our deal. So I'll leave" he stated and you nodded.
"That's all? So I'm the one who chooses when it ends?"
"Haven't I said that already?" he smirked and you sunk back in your seat.

I can choose when.. that means even 5 years from now.
I can do anything. I won't have to work at all and even pay people to do my school work. All while having a pretend boyfriend who's actually attractive.

Making a deal with a rich grim reaper..

You stuck out a hand, "Deal"
"You sure? Becau-
"I said deal Emilio!!" you stated and he shook your hand.



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