"Is it that hard to tell?"

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   Pov Abby:  

        I've been at this party for a good two hours and I'm starting to grow really bored. Honestly, I don't even know why I decided to come I don't even really like Hunter, I only tolerate him because he was dating Ginny, and us MANG girl have to stick together. If I'm being completely honest, I think MANG is the worst friend group name to exist. I absolutely hate it with a passion, but I will never find the heart to tell Max. Speaking of which, the reason I came to this party just entered the living room with two bottles of coke and a smile that can mend any broken heart. " Look what I got us" Max said making her way over to the one-person sofa where I am sitting. Taking the book that I had placed on my crisscrossed legs max placed it on the floor and scooched herself to where she was sitting on my lap. She reached her hand behind her head passing me one of the ice-cold cokes she had grabbed. As I flipped open the tab on my coke Max scooched back to the point where her back was tightly pressed against my small chest making my hands go from cold to clammy. I'm trying my best to cover up the fact that I'm blushing, but I guess I've failed considering the look Ginny just gave me. Trying to get my heart rate to go down I looked up past Max's head to see Sophie walking into the living room heading right towards us. Max instantly went from being cheerful to serious. She had wiped the smile off her face as Sophie inched closer. She quickly turned around to face me. "Are you o" I started to say as she cut me off. She began laughing again and said, " You're the best girlfriend ever!" loud enough for the whole living room to hear over the music and the ping pong balls bouncing cup to cup. Sophie was standing in front of us now and asked Max if they could talk quickly. Still facing me she grabbed the back of my head pulling me close to her. Then her soft gentle lips touched mine, she waited until Sophie had left the room to break the kiss, meanwhile the empty pit in my stomach felt full for once. My hands grew sweater, and I had a severe case of butterflies. She winked at me then turned around starting a conversation with Press like nothing happened. 


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