"Good job against kirishima, katsuki" a voice chimed out of no where.

"Yeah shut up stop sign.." katsuki said grabbing his bag, trying to ignore todoroki for publicity stake.

Todoroki didn't stop him, he stayed to talk with kirishima which was unusual but whatever to the blonde, as long as no one but the green haired male knew.

The school day was over, as katsuki headed to the dorms, swiping his card and getting In and heading to his room, swiping again and opening his room foor.


"Uh..?" He said, he noticed a big white envelope on the ground that he stepped on.

It look as if someone slided it under the door.

He grabbed it, noticing that it had his name handwritten on it.

Someone had to have slipped the unknown letter under his door by today, he could of sworn the only thing he's gotten yesterday was a box with a teddy bear inside of it.

He closed his door, ignoring the clicking  sound, too focused on the white envelope in his hand.

He was curious.

Either his "group" was playing a prank on him or not, he didn't care, something was begging him to open it.

He ripped the stamp off, opebed it and pulled out the contaminates of paper.

They were backwards and he flipped them over, examining the papers.

He dropped them on the ground.

"What.. the fuck-" 

He said too sturn and disgusted to speak all the way.

It was pictures of him in todoroki yesterday, not just ordinary ones but explicit ones, in his room.

..In his room?

Katsuki matched the pictures up with the angle and everything.

He went to the black teddy bear on his desk, picking it up.

he looked at it the best he could.

"There.." he said as he found it, there was a dark red spot in one of the eyes and one in the middle of the red bow.

How could he have not noticed.


He ripped the poor teddy bear's head off.

He didn't care, he felt violated.


He slipped his hands out of the quirk defiant bracelets on his wrists, he had been prone to wear for 2 weeks in misconduct of quirk use.

He exploded the teddy bear, the stuffing went everywhere, but he didn’t bother to care as he stepped on the small cameras, breaking them.

He almost ripped up the photos from the envelope, but he put it back in the envelope and stormed out his room.

The blonde was fuming.

"Hey bakugo you okay? You have white fluffy stuff all over you" Sero said watching the blonde pass him with a radiating negative energy.

"Okay.. sorry" the black haired male said when he didn't get a response.

Katsuki took his trip to a specific door.

He started banging it repeatedly, almost punching a hole through the others door.

"Woah.. wo- katsuki?" the person said opening the door.

"What is this shit?" Katsuki said shoving the envelope on his chest but it fell to the ground as todoroki looked in confusion.

"What's that?"He said looking down at his feet at the envelope clueless.

"I don't fucking know.. you ask me. Dont play dumb" katsuki said almost yelling at him.

Todoroki picked up the envelope with the  curiosity of the other's booming energy.

He opened it.

"What are these katsuki?" He said turning his head to observe the explicit pictures.

"I mean I don't care if you have a filming kink or something?" The other said, taking in the pictures.

"Don't call me that, and shouldn't you know a lot about fucking filiming dont you? , that stupid black bear you sent me had a fucking camera in it, were you just trying to record me?" The blonde said.


Black bear?

"I don't know what you're talking about?, I stopped trying to win you over with gifts after you expressed how uncomfortable you were with that" the mono male was generally confused.

"Sure.. then what is this?" He said pulling out his phone showing the text messages from yesterday.


I told you to stop buying shit.

                       I bought that some time ago.. didn't we already talked bout it?



"Yeah i was talking about the figurines, that's why I asked "didn't we ready talked about it?" He said, this was the first time he has seen katsuki look hurt.

It was a different felling when the blonde put his phone done.

"I would never.. I would never katsuki.. I swear why would I do that?" Todoroki said first time striking glump in his throat.

"Sure.." katsuki said walking pass him ready to leave.

"And also why would I leave a note saying "break up" he said finding a note on the back of one of the photos.

"What? Oh of course you write that to try to hurt my feelings less and make it seem like someone else did it" the blonde crossed his arms.

"Why would you think of me like that?.. you know I wouldn't do that" todoroki said grabbing the blondes wrist, he realized the others quirk bracelets were off.

"Would i?.I-?.. now let go of my you fucking pervert" he said almost sounding hurt as he tried to get away from the others grasp.

"What did you just call me?" Todoroki said, katsuki's words has finally gotten to him through all the colded ice and heat through and out his heart.

"A fucking pervert and creep, NOW LET GO" he said as he admitted a explosion.

Todoroki let go.

"Katsuki.." he mumbled.

"Don't call me that, matter of a fact never speak to me again" he said walking out the room.

Todoroki stood there, his vision blurry, he didn't realize he was crying.

He was too busy reflecting on the blonde's words and more to confusion.

A black bear?

Think todoroki.

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