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"You can't do that kacchan"

"Where are you going kacchan?"

" BAKUGOU, bakugou hey bakugou" the male said snapping him out if his trans as he looked at the male with half red and half white hair.

"What? What the fuck do you want?" He said looking at the other 17 year old.

"We are partners what do you mean what do I want?" The dual haired male said sitting nextbto the male pushing his bag off the seat.

"Hey, that's my shit your moving, and wait who said you was my partner?" he said looking around for a certain red haired male to see him partnering up with mina and growled lowly.

"Aizawa said so, he said you can't keep picking krishima Everytime and that you need to partner up with someone else and that happens to be me" he said scooting his chair closer to bakugou.

"Don't get too close icy hot, back the fuck up"he said putting his feet on the side of the other chair the male was sitting on, trying to push it away, but todoroki grabbed his leg causing the make to violently swing his leg up yanking the other male to fall between his legs and for the blondes chair to fall on the ground

"Did he just"

"Naw bro he gone have hell to pay for"

"I know that had to hurt man"

"Their lips!"


Bakugo froze up as the other males lips accidentally hit the side of his lip as the class mumbles.

"Kacchan are you alright?" The male said coming closer to the two males, bakugo acted fast and pushed the other male off him.

"I told you to back up" bakugou said rubbing his lip looking at the male with a pissed face ignoring the green haired male.

"Well if you didn't act like a animal maybe this wouldn't have happened the paper for the assignment is clearly on your side I was just trying to read it with you" todoroki said doing the same action as bakugou did with his lips.

"you little bitch" the blonde said.

"Funny thing to say bakugo when I'm taller than you", the dual male said.

"You really want a ass whooping uh"

"No, you just really want to fight me"

"Lo-look there's no reason to fight todoroki-k" midoriya said.

"Shut it and mind your business nerd" bakugou said as he went up to the dual haired male who smiled at him.

"Wipe that shit off your face"

"Make me"

MIDNIGHT'S ROOM NOW" aizawa said looking tired more than usual, the light blonde haired male violently grab his stuff as the other dual hair male grabbed his stuff complying to awaiza's directions.

"Take me too, please it's my fault kacchan acts like this" midoriya said pleading with his voice causing bakugou to look at him.

"Shut up, you don't know what your talking about" he said walking up the door before awaiza could say anything.

"Sorry midoriya I can't allow you to leave unless you have broken my class rules" awaiza said looking at him.

"Please please" the male said beginning to cry a little.

"Fine fine, down the hall midnights room" he said as the two males were already gone.

"Thank you, thank you" midoriya said bowing fastly while the black haired male waved him off with a sigh.

"Yo this is your fault-" bakugo said pointing a finger at todoroki untill the door opened revealing green hair.

"Oh my fucking god" bakugou said taking his finger out of todoroki place to lean back in his chair.

"Midoriya, why are you here?" Todoroki said looking at the male who took a seat right besides bakugo who got up and went to go sit in the back.

"I-i it's my fault" the male said, going to sit by bakugou, by then midnight was gone, she went to go print out copies for her next class.

"Kacchan im-"

"Stop please I beg, happy?" He said going to move again sitting my todoroki who was next to a seat by the window so deku couldn't follow him.

"Zip it don't say a word you get on my nerves" bakugo said looking back.

"O-okay" the male said looking at bakugou.

"Also stop staring at me I can feel your eyeballs in the back of my head it makes me sick" he said and midoriya tried his best not to look.


"Are you apologizing, it's fucking pathetic"the male said.

"Bakugou you should really stop using language like that" todoroki said looking at the male.

"Shut up I can say whatever I want, didn't I heard you curse yesterday" he said look at the male.



"I'm not"



"Stop it" the green male said.

"No thank you, how about you mind your business for once" the tempered male said.

"I-it is my business" the male said hesitating to slam his hands on the desk.

"I-it is my business, bluhh shut up l, you sound stupid if you have common sense and a brain, learn how to stop being a creep last time I checked I heard no "deku" in me and icy hots "conversation" you wasn't the cause or the effect you just decided to put your sensitive ass in our business" bakugou said as he went to go pull out his headphones and put them in his ear and turn on his phone so he didn't have to hear the green male talk.

"Todoroki-kun-" he said but the attempt failed as the male had his head down on the desk, seemingly asleep or not.

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