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"Kacchan are you okay?" The boy asked looking at his "friend" who fell on the ground.

"I'm good, go home" the male said Patting his knees and getting up.

"No your not, l-look at your knees their red" he said going to put his fingers on the other boy's knees before it got smacked away.

"IM FINE, go find somewhere else to play and stop following me creep", bakugo said as he saw the other boy pull his hand back.

"But kacchan-" he said but got cut off.

"No buts, just leave me the f-fuck alone" he said and the other 11 year old eyes lit up.

"Yeah yeah I said a bad word, what are you gonna do, run to my old hag uh?, she won't care she probably will just hit me on my head and tell me to go to my room which is where I wanna go, deku", bakugou said sticking his tongue out and making a face then walking away.


"Fuck off loser" he said putting the middle finger up at the other male without looking and walked away as the other tried to hold back his tears, running away.

Bakugou opened the door and slipped his shoe's off going upstairs, untill he heard something in the kitchen, recognizing his mother's voice.

"HE DID WHAT- w-wait I think that's him now let me just hang up I'll call back inko" she said.

"Aww shit" bakugou said quietly as he heard his mother's loud footsteps.

"Come here young man" she said looking down at her son who was sitting on the stairs, as the male slowly got up.

"What have I told you about bullying izuku, I also heard you like to use foul language and choices" she said tapping her feet.

"Where did you learn this from uh" she said grabbing his arm.

"You who else" he said trying to pull away from her grip and walk up stairs but that attempted failed as he was just a child.

"Lies I might curse out of stress but I don't bully people" she said moving to the kitchen with her hand still on katsuki's arm.

"Come here, and open your mouth since your old enough to have one now" she said as she held the boy's mouth open.

She went to the sink grabbing a liquid dish washing bottle and opening the cap, tilting the boy's head back forcefully as she leaned in to pour a little bit of dish soap in his mouth as the boy gagged.

"Swallow" she said letting go, and the boy shaked his head into a "no sign",

"I SAID SWALLOW, since you wanna have a dirty mouth it needs to be clean your lucky I didn't hit you for being a brat" she said and the male swallowed spitting some out, but he swallowed enough to make her not say anything.

"Go to your room and think about your actions" she said, and katsuki fast walked up the stairs going to his room and closing the door.

"Stupid b-bitch" he said trying to hold back his tears as he pointed both his middle fingers at the door, legs wobbling and going to jump on his bed, hearing her phone loudly dial down stairs in the kitchen.

"This child is going raise my blood pressure" she said on the phone loudly.

"Yeah, imma let god fix it, because if I fix it imma go to jail", bakugou could hear as he made faces.

"Yeah yeah, I did bye inko, I'll make bakugou apologize tomorrow, alright, alright bye" she said as she hung up the phone going up the stairs as he could hear her foot steps as it stopped by his door.

He pretended to close his eyes and fake sleep as the door creaked opened to his room.

"that really is my child" she said more as in surety than a insult as she sat down bye his bed pushing the all might plushie aside moving his hair out his face as she kissed his forehead, the male trying not to make a face as he forgives his mom with in the spans of 6 minutes for earlier, as she tucked him in and left, untill he actually fell asleep on accident.

"that really is my child" she said more as in surety than a insult as she sat down bye his bed pushing the all might plushie aside moving his hair out his face as she kissed his forehead, the male trying not to make a face as he forgives his mom w...

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