Quirk? I only know curse...

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3rd Person POV:

After that fateful day, Midoriya Izuku was wiped from existence.

The following morning, after he had his trip to the hospital, the Bakugo's had arrived at their house for the party that had been moved up a day.

When they knocked but received no response from the ghostly house, Katsuki had blasted the door down. Though, they were horrified to find Inko's long dead body and no trace of Izuku to be seen.

The 2 had quickly ran back outside, hurriedly rushing away from the horrifying stench of the starting-to-rot body before calling the police. Luckily for Masaru, he didn't have to witness the terrifying sight of his friend's murder as he had been too busy with work to come.

Shortly after, the police arrived and immediately started to investigate and look further into the murder of Inko Midoriya and the mysterious disappearance of Izuku Midoriya.

"De- Izuku had just gotten his quirk yesterday... Auntie Inko had called us to tell us how Izuku got this 'Angel quirk' and that the party had been shifted to today.
She had been perfectly fine just yesterday!"

The police had asked the Bakugo's for their statements, relationship with the victims, and also what could have motivated this crime.

Meanwhile, in another unknown location, a certain frightened green-haired boy was being forced to become the one thing he despised... a villain.

"Use your quirk already, BRAT!"

"N-no! Mommy said not to use it until I get older."

"Use it, or we're going to force an activation, and trust me, it ain't gonna be pretty!"

Izuku whimpered before rapidly shaking his head 'no'. The poor boy had woken up in a pitch black room, one with the faint smell of dried blood, and found himself to have both his arms cuffed and chained to the wall behind him.

At this motion, the villain in front of him smiled menacingly before unchaining the greenette from the wall. The boy, having thought of this as setting him free, happily got up before immediately getting yanked back down onto the floor. The villain smiled at the visible pain stricken across his face before grabbing the chain and started to drag Izuku across the floor.

Although it only took a few minutes, it felt much longer to the boy as he was dragged along the floor of multiple different hallways with numerous sharp objects piercing into his skin.
It was almost torture in itself.

Unfortunately, when he reached his destination, it was much worse than what he was suffering earlier. The villain quickly strapped Izuku to a chair in the middle of a lab-like room before leaving the room abruptly, as if scared of something or someone else coming. Izuku winced as his raw sensitive cuts rubbed harshly against the metal cuffs.

Soon after the man left, another older man appeared, whom Izuku instantly recognised.

"D-dr Garaki?! W-wha-"

The doctor smiled evilly, almost straying from the uncanny resemblance to the previously known quirk doctor.

"Well, Izuku, I have requested to have you taken for your powerful quirk, after all, reviving someone from the dead? Now that is interesting!" He leaned forward towards Izuku, who was desperately trying to further the distance between them. "Say...be my test subject, won't you?"

The psychotic grin on the evil doctor almost made the greenette pass out from fear, but even that creepy smile couldn't prepare him for the years of torture they would force upon the boy.


2 years had passed since the once care-free boy had been captured, and life was progressively getting worse. At first, the boy would get weekly or even monthly torture sessions, or 'training sessions as they were called, but they soon grew into daily ones, with increasing difficulty and pain.

Izuku was forced to first learn how to fly around continuously, for multiple hours, then do many workouts after. But the worst part was after all the 'training exercises'...

The greenette would be strapped down onto that same chair again and again. After every single 'exercise', the doctor would perform his experiments, which would usually result in injecting a very painful substance into Izuku's body then him passing out from the pain.
After blacking out, he didn't ever know what happened to his body but there was always a weird aching feeling in his bottom half.

Although one day, exactly 2 years since the day he was taken, the boy had been visited by his 'sensei' and with his 'sensei' was a boy with pale-blue hair who looked 5-6 years older than him.

"Well #08901, how have you been?"

The boy in question merely glanced up, at the mention of his subject name, with no hope left in his eyes which once used to shine like the sun like his many features; the heroes had stopped looking for the boy, he was presumed dead by many. He was surprised to see a blue haired boy standing next to his master, the one he was forced to serve.

"#08901, meet Shigaraki Tomura here, he is my successor and will now be your master and target."

Izuku's eyes widened ever so slightly, it wasn't at the fact he was getting a new master but in fact it was because he was getting a target.
He knew his quirk would be powerful, very powerful, if he had a target
Too powerful in the wrong hands...

"I'm...Shigaraki Tomura."

This boy about about 6 years older than him was going to be his target? How would they ever force him to accept him as his target?

Besides, I can't even choose my own target.
Izuku thought before suddenly coming to his own conclusion, his realisation.

"I see you have figured it out subject #08901! Indeed, those experiments over these past 2 years have been to alter your target requirements.
Now all we need is for you to consume the blood of the target with your consent and acceptance of them being your target.

You know what will happen if you don't."

He visibly shivered at the implied torture session that would happen if he didn't accept Shigaraki as his target, the chains on his hands and ankles rattled slightly at the small shake.
Seeing this, AFO smirked evilly.

Shigaraki stepped forward with a sharp knife in his hand, before raising it to his finger and slicing abruptly. Small drops of blood spilled out of the cut and fell into the conveniently placed cup below. The cup of blood was forced into his face causing him to turn his face away in disgust before quickly remembering what would happen if he refused.

His hands shakily grabbed the cup and looked up at his sensei for what to do.

"Repeat after me:
I solemnly swear to pledge my life to you.

Then drink the blood."

"I- I solemnly swear to pledge my life to you."

After that, Izuku downed the contents in one big gulp, before gagging at the horrible sickly taste.

AFO grinned nefariously as the cup clattered onto the floor and piecing screams echoed around the dimly lit basement.
Izuku's screams.

"Ohh. The doctor did mention that you would go through changes and be in great pain." His grin grew to resemble the stereotypical ear-to-ear grin except much more villain-like. "I guess I forgot to mention it."

Izuku thrashed around wildly on the cold concrete floor, well, as much as the tight, metal chains would allow him to. Pain spread throughout the whole of his body, about ten times worse than what the doctor had put him through daily. A fiery burning sensation filled his veins and made him feel like he was lit aflame, roasting alive despite the obviously dark, freezing room.

His folded, bent wings flapped around wildly, and even though his eyes were glazing over, the greenette could still see the two figures slowly turn and start walking away.

Guardian angelحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن