I'd counted the days until now, and it was odd to know that exactly forty days ago, I'd not given a fuck about Jax or his feelings. And now he had made his way to the top of the list of things I cared about the most. Forty days. In a little over a month.

Fuck, I fell for him fast...

I smiled at the thought of him. My boyfriend. My wonderfully complicated, dangerous yet sweet boyfriend... A guy who was so imperfect in every single way that it made him perfect. Of course I fell for him. After just forty days, I couldn't say if I was in love with him already, but I knew I would be. I would keep falling for him until I was.

And now it was real.

I stayed on the roof until it was almost time for the classes to end. When I had only a few minutes to spare, I made my way to Jax's class, and waited for him there. When he stepped out, he gave me a surprised look, but I only took his hand in mine and led him outside.

"You skipped the class," he noted when we were alone at the back of the building.

"Yeah, I... I needed fresh air," I said, feeling bad for having to lie to him once again.

But I was done with lies. I hated lying now. I'd find a good moment to tell him about the bet, and after that, I'd never lie to him again.

"You all right?" he asked quietly.

"Yeah, I'm good," I said, giving him a smile. "I just needed some time to think."

He watched me closely, but accepted my excuse. "If you want, we can head back home?"

"Nah. I'm good now," I said reassuringly. "But once we get the hell out of here, I want to take you out to eat," I added to change the subject.

I also did feel like celebrating, but I obviously couldn't tell him that.


"Yeah. Let's go to a proper restaurant," I suggested, getting more and more into the idea.

"Like on an actual date?" he asked with raised eyebrows.

"Yes! Let's go out on a date!" I said, getting excited.

He let out a short chuckle. "Okay, sure."


"Yes, let's go on a date," he said, and his smile made him look so breathtakingly pretty that I had to kiss him. When I let go, he laughed lightly. "You're in a good mood."

"Yeah, I guess..." I said, unable to hide my smile. "I feel so much better after... after talking to Mom."

And paying Caleb...

"That's good," he said, touching my arm. "I hated seeing you so anxious."

"I hated being anxious..." I mumbled, but then my mood dropped. "Fuck... Dad comes back home today..."

"And there goes the mood," Jax said quietly. "I fucking hate that man."

"No, no, no... Let's not talk about him. Or even think about him," I said. "Date. Where do you want to go?"

He shrugged. "I don't really know any good restaurants."

"I do. I'll think of something," I said, and smiled, but it wasn't easy to get back into the good mood.

I guess he could see that. "Or we could just stay home. Watch movies. Order Chinese. You know. Hide from the world."

"But you deserve a proper date," I said.

"We just had a proper date, remember?" he said with a smirk. "I wore a skirt and everything."

"And you looked very pretty in it," I said, but sighed. "But I want to take you out on a proper date, in a proper restaurant, without my friends butting in. You deserve a perfect date where it's all about you."

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