They all noticed Beomgyu shift uncomfortably.

Yeonjun glared at Hyunjin. "Dude." 

The latter looked at Beomgyu sympathetically. "Hey, I'm sorry. If you're really a minotaur's son, that's cool! There's seriously nothing wrong with that." 

Beomgyu knew he looked even more uncomfortable at that. "I'm not, don't worry."

"Oh." Yeonjun frowned. Then, realization hit, and his eyes went wide. "Oh."

Beomgyu sighed. That reaction was going to get old really soon.

Felix was also taken aback. "You're Apollo's son?"

"That's really cool though! Why would you be embarrassed to admit that? He's like... perfect." Hyunjin stated.

"That's exactly why. He might've been a great Hero, a great God, but he's a shit dad. I think people have the wrong impression of him because of the myths they hear. He's not that great."

Not that he would know.

The three stared at him, bewildered. He decided to change the subject and sat down, Yeonjun following silently.

"So, are there any super important details about the campus I should know? Like, any 'don't go in this hallway if you don't want to be eaten' things?"

"Nah. It's actually a really safe campus. The only monsters they let in are the students." Hyunjin laughed and Yeonjun rolled his eyes fondly.

"What he means is: you'll be fine here."

"Especially if you're with us. We'll make sure no one gives you shit." Felix smiled and Beomgyu felt like he could melt.

"Hey! Yawn Jeongin! Got any powers yet? Or are you still a boring fuck?"

Beomgyu turned towards the commotion and saw four boys slap the tray of a rather frightened looking black haired boy. His heart stung. 

So Hyunjin was right about some students being monsters.

"Shit. He said they stopped making fun of him." Hyunjin looked at his two friends, worried. 

"I think that was just because Seungmin was with him. Come on.", Yeonjun stated, and they started to get up.

But at the mention of another name, Beomgyu heard another voice burn through the hall.

"What the fuck did you just say to him?"

He watched as a boy with brown hair came up from behind Jeongin and started towards the four.

Beomgyu was amazed that, despite the four being much bigger in size than who he presumed to be Seungmin, there was an obvious shift in their demeanor.  As well as Jeongin's, who looked relieved.

"Dude, chill. It's a fact that he doesn't have any powers. We were just asking."

"A fact that you seem to be obsessed with. Why don't you fuck off before I set you on fucking fire again? Hey, Seunghyun. Have those scars healed?" Seungmin stared at the group, as if ready to pounce.

The four stalk off, annoyed but clearly not interested in testing his threat.

"Get a hobby!" Seungmin shouted before he turned to Jeongin as a completely different person. Beomgyu was amazed.

He spoke to Jeongin in a tone Beomgyu couldn't hear, before the two headed over to their table. Beomgyu sat up, terrified. He relaxed a little when they sat and noticed him, both smiling.

"Jeongin, Seungmin. This is Beomgyu. You might want to speak to him before he pisses himself."

Seungmin laughed and did. "Sorry about that. I'm so tired of them. But as long as you're not a dick, I promise not to cover you in flames."

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