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I hated the looks my parents would give me most days, it was so easy to spot the resentment towards me in their eyes. My behaviour didn't stop them from loving me, but it certainly made them give up on my future. The day I realised jut how far I had pushed them was the day they stopped mentioning uni courses or job offers to me, accepting the fact I'd be living off of them until something terrible happened that would make me change my view of the world. They knew it wasn't going to be anytime soon, letting me rot away in my room because somehow they couldn't find it in them to kick me out. 

I'm pretty sure they blamed Arisu for influencing me, even though I knew that wasn't the case. I was just a spoilt brat, my life being way too comfortable right now to ever give it up. I wasn't an excellent student, in fact I struggled in most classes all throughout my first, and only, semester in university before dropping out. Much to my parents' disappointment. 

I couldn't help but let out a sigh at the thoughts running through my head as I caught a glimpse of myself in the bathroom mirror. I was realising just how lucky I was more and more as the days went by, every moment of silence filled with disturbing and unapologetic thoughts, and every time it got harder and harder to snap out of them. My phone vibrating on the side of the ceramic sink helped me come back to reality, my gaze quickly shifting towards the screen.


I smiled as I read the message preview on the lock screen.

'Skipped another job interview. I need a drink'

Sending him a quick reply, hoping to make plans for tonight, I walked back to my room, the bright light from the sun penetrating the wall length windows. 

It was always like this with Arisu. There were times when we'd just stop talking for months at a time and out of the blue reconnect like nothing had ever happened. I didn't mind it, it was just that type of relationship with him. It was easy and refreshing, and today felt just like that, a glass of cool water in the midst of a dry, boiling desert. 

When Arisu stopped replying, I knew he was either back in front of his computer or out with his best friends, Karube and Chota. I knew of them. Of course, Arisu would never shut up about how amazing they were, but we never formally met.

I made a mental note of telling Arisu he should introduce me to his oh-so-awesome-friends when a loud bang outside my window made me jump on the spot, my head whirling towards the bright sky just outside.  Instinctively, I glanced down at Shibuya's crossing. We lived in one of the most central parts of Tokyo, my room, although high up, having a mesmerising view of the busiest crossing in the world. Countless times I had found myself admiring the people below, wondering where they were all rushing to and how it was possible for so many individuals to form such an indistinct mass on the streets below. 

And today was clearly no different, except no one was moving. Cars were parked in the middle of the road, seemingly disturbed, and the people surrounding them all had their faces directed towards the sky. Another loud bang, and this time I followed their line of sight, my head also tilting up towards the white clouds and their blue background. Except these simple colours were being interrupted by a multitude of fireworks that gracefully decorated the midday sky.

"Fireworks at this time?" 

I couldn't help but move closer to the window, admiring the pretty scene, even though fireworks shone so much brighter at night. My finger hovered over the glass as if  I was trying to paint this colourful display into my brain. For some reason, it felt like an important moment, like something I had to remember. 

That's when the lights went out. My room was still bright, but the lack of power caught my attention, making me pry my eyes away from the window. I glanced around my room, suddenly realising how eerily quiet the house was. The bangs outside had stopped too. 


I couldn't help but call out to her. Everything felt awfully wrong in that moment. 

"Mum? Dad?"

Silence once again. Would they have been able to leave without me noticing? There was no way, our apartment wasn't that big. 

Hesitantly, I made my way to the door separating me from the rest of our home, slowly turning the doorknob and peering out into the hallway. It was darker there, the absence of windows really enhancing the power shortage.  

As of right now, I felt like I should be panicking. There was no one here, my parents had no reason not to answer me after I called out to them. I grabbed my phone, making my way out of our apartment and jogging down the flights of stairs. Something was telling me this was bigger than just my parents not being here. There had to be more to it.

It was quiet, not just in the apartment building, but as I got closer to the door leading out onto the supposedly busy streets, I couldn't hear anything. It was like the whole world had just suddenly shut down. This was not the Tokyo I knew.

Somehow I still expected the crossing to be covered with people, maybe the silence was just in my head. It made no sense, there was no logical explanation for this. The people still had to be there.

I pushed open the doors to the outside and scanned around myself, shielding my eyes with my hand as the harsh sunlight hit me. A crumpled plastic bag flew past me lazily as I searched for all the people I had seen moments ago from the window. I looked stupid, spinning around on my heel in search of something that clearly wasn't there anymore, but I couldn't care less.

I felt my heart beating in my ears, pounding like a sick drum as I tried to convince myself that maybe I was hallucinating.
I found myself wishing I was the insane one, rubbing my eyes almost a little too hard and hoping in some kind of miracle. Maybe I'd snap out of what seemed like a very unsettling dream.

But when the little black dots faded from my eyesight, the city was still empty.

This was not a sick joke or my mind playing horrible tricks on me. This was reality, and no one else was here with me.


Bear with me, first few chapters might be a little rough as I'm trying out a new style of writing.  Thank you :))

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