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There were many instances in my life where I could have made my parents proud, if only I had cared enough to actually try. However, no matter how hard they pushed, how successful they were, how easy they had made my life, I had no interest in reciprocating their efforts. It didn't stop them from loving me and housing me though. At times I almost wished they had given me an ultimatum of some kind; if that was the case, maybe I would have gotten off my own ass and done something with my life.

Perhaps that's why I ended up here, in this twisted version of my hometown where death and gore dominated the scene. Was I being punished for my wrongdoings? Was I to repent here and would I ever be able to go back? 

I'm sure I wasn't the only one asking these questions. We were all sinners here, none of us pure enough to be considered anything other than that. One way or another we had all caused someone pain in our life before Borderland. And many decided to give up, to succumb to what seemed like an inevitable death.

Others like me, weren't able to just roll over and die, possibly going down a worse path in this world than in the real one. I'd be lying if I said I was a better person now than I was before. Sin was around every corner and it was just too easy to indulge in. 


This is a story for imperfect people. I don't believe in flawless protagonists with perfect morals and wanted to go a different route with this.
I hope you got a good idea of what to expect and enjoy :)

Ace || 𝑠. 𝑐ℎ𝑖𝑠ℎ𝑖𝑦𝑎Where stories live. Discover now