chapter four

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Kageyama's eyes bulged out of his skull, his face turning red. "M-mom! I don't know what you're talking about!" He said, his voice cracking a bit.

"Oh, you know exactly what I'm talking about, Tobio," she giggled.

"What's going on?" A girl who had Kageyama's facial features asked, walking out of the house. "Woah, who's the ginger?" She grinned. "Fierce hair. I'm Miwa." She stuck out her hand to a nervous Hinata. "Tobio's older sister." She glanced him up and down. "Are you Tobio's boyfriend?"

"Uh, um, um, no, I-I don't–" Hinata sputtered.

"You don't?"

"We aren't dating..." Hinata was frozen in place.

"Miwa," Kageyama interrupted before his sister could say anything else. "Please, stop." He looked at Hinata apologetically.

"You're Shoyo Hinata, correct?" Mrs. Kageyama continued.

Hinata gave Kageyama a look, desperately wanting to leave. "Um... yes..."

"Who's got a boyfriend?" A man Hinata assumed to be Kageyama's father asked, stepping out of the house with a few bags. "Miwa?" He looked at Kageyama. "Go pack a bag, Tobio."

Kageyama, eager to get out of the conversation, ran into the house. Hinata wanted to follow after him but realized it'd look even more suspicious to Kageyama's doting parents and sister. "Um, I'm Tobio's friend."

"Wow, a first-name basis with him..." Miwa hummed, pushing one of the bags she was holding into the car.

"Oh, is this Shoyo Hinata?" Mr. Kageyama asked with a big grin on his face. "Nice to meet you! I'm Tobio's father. Tobio talks about you quite a bit!" A shy blush rose onto Hinata's face.

Miwa crossed her arms. "Do you have a boyfriend?"

"Um, no, I—"

"Do you like my brother?"

Hinata's face turned redder. "No... I, um, I don't like—I only date girls..."

"Oh." Miwa eyed him suspiciously, unconvinced. "Are you sure?"

Hinata stared down at the ground. "Yes..."

"Positive? Tobio needs a boyfriend, so if you like him, you'd be the perfect match for him. The way he talks about you, it's like you were made for each other!"

"I-I don't–" Hinata couldn't remember the last time he'd gotten this flustered.

"Um, Shoyo, we can go now," Kageyama said, shutting the door to his house and avoiding eye contact with Hinata.

"Okay..." Hinata replied, not looking at Kageyama altogether. He was thankful that Kageyama had walked out at that moment, because he didn't know what he would've admitted to had Kageyama walked out a few seconds later.

"Bye mom, dad. Bye, Miwa." Kageyama waved to his family, who stared back at him weirdly. He paused, giving them a curious look. "What?"

"Nothing, Tobio," Miwa assured him. "Have a nice time with your friend." She waved at him before getting into the car.

"Bye, Mr. and Mrs. Kageyama," Hinata said nervously. "It was... um... nice meeting you."

"Goodbye, Shoyo," they said in unison.

Hinata laughed awkwardly. "Um... hold onto your bags. You wouldn't wanna drop them, or anything."

"Well, duh. But, I also don't want to fall off and get hurt, so..." he wrapped his arms around Hinata's chest. "Let's go."

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