chapter three

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Kageyama walked up to Hinata not even a minute later. "Wow... crazy, right?"

"Hmm?" Hinata replied, not paying much attention. Kageyama followed him over to the gym closet, and Hinata grabbed out a volleyball.

"Suga and Daichi living together..."

Hinata didn't leave the closet. "They probably don't want to make it into a big deal, Kags. We shouldn't make it into one."

Kageyama's face turned red. "'Kags?'" He murmured.

"Did you say something?"

"No. Wanna spike for me?"

"Absolutely I do." They played around for a bit, then Kageyama stopped dead in his tracks, messing up their rhythm. "God dammit! What the hell are you doing?!" He'd almost bashed the volleyball into Kageyama's head.

"I needed to talk to you."

"Oh. Right. About?"

Kageyama took the ball from Hinata and spun it around in his hands. He dropped it onto the ground and grabbed Hinata by the wrist. "In private."

"Okay..." Kageyama led Hinata outside. Hinata locked eyes with Tsukishima, who watched him with a curious expression on his face. Hinata responded with a face that said, 'I don't know, either.'

As soon as they were far enough away from where anyone couldn't possibly hear them, Kageyama exhaled and dropped Hinata's arm. "Okay. I have a few things."

Hinata crossed his arms, propping himself up against a wall. "Have at it."

"Okay... But promise you won't tell anyone what I say. Please."

"Oh–of course. I promise." He had no clue what Kageyama was about to tell him. 

"I'm bisexual."

Hinata choked on air. "Wh-what? Really?"

Kageyama blushed. "Yeah, dumbass, is that a bad thing?"

"Oh, no, no! I-it just... I didn't expect you to, uh, say that. Um... why are you telling me this?"

Kageyama shrugged, leaning onto the wall next to Hinata. He tilted his head up to the sky. "Well, um... I don't know. I wanted someone else to know, but I don't think I'm ready to come out and tell the world yet. I figured since I trust you the most out of all of my friends, I'd tell you." He smiled sheepishly, and Hinata watched him like a hawk.

"Well... I'm glad you told me." He grinned.

"One step closer to fully coming out, right?"

"Yeah. Coming out is hard." Hinata furrowed his eyebrows. "Really hard."

Kageyama looked over at Hinata, eyes widened. "Why would you know?" Hinata stared curiously back at him, trying to ignore the hint of hopefulness in his voice.

"...My mom's told me a lot about it."

"Your mom?"

"Yeah. She and my dad split up after Natsu was born. She came out to him as a lesbian. She didn't want him to be in the dark any longer. He was mad because he'd thought she used him for years, and I haven't seen him since that day." Hinata chuckled. "But... yeah. I've pretty much been taught about gay shit since I was six. My mom wanted to make sure I grew up correctly."

"That's cool."

"I know, right? But... yeah." He averted his eyes. "That's, uh, how I know about it." He cleared his throat. "Um... You wanted to ask me something else?"

can't be yours - kagehinaWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu