SCP OC(s) Part 1 SCP's

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Name: Phoeira Gates

Nickname: Phoen, Dark Guardian

Species: God-like being

Gender: Female

Height: 6'0

Sexuality: Bisexual

From: Philippines

Found in: United Kingdom

Age: 19 - 20

Crush: None

Loves: Brother, Friends, Food, SCP, Books, Sleep, knives, and Music

Hates: Bad MTF, Mean Scientists, and Loud places/People

Bff: Nishara Agent

Friends: All SCP's, Some scientists, and Some MTF's

Rival: None

Scp number: SCP-1102

Talent: Writing, Cooking, Swimming, Fighting, Fixing, and Killing


Fire Manipulation:

This makes SCP-1102 use a decent amount of flames that are blue(with a bit of black), they are super hot and one touch can burn your skin.


Can summon anything or anyone


Can teleport around 500km away but they need to see the place they want to go first

Super Speed/Strength/Intelligence:

Speed, Strength, and Intelligence 10x faster, stronger, and smarter.


Can regenerate very quickly but it takes energy so it is rarely used

Time Manipulation:

Can manipulate any type of time


Can control anyone just by knowing what they look like

All matter manipulation:

Can control all matter

Analysis (from a book new life AbelQ2704):

Can analyse personal information and secrets

Six sense(from AbelQ2704):

Can sense danger anywhere up to 90 Meters.


Is Immortal


Can deflect anything coming their way.

Calmness inducement (search "calming someone down superpower")

SCP-1102 is able to induce powerful feelings of tranquillity in others, allowing one to keep others calm and peaceful.

Outer Space Adaptation/Survivability/Breathing(search "can breathe outside earth from space superpower)

SCP-1102 can survive and adapt to the vacuum of space unaided and are able to withstand atmospheres (heat intensity and any poisonous chemical elements), cosmic media (radiation), strange gravity (even sometimes that of a black hole), and lack of air.


The ability to adapt to anything and quickly evolve

Blood Manipulation:

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