Jaline Yumi

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Jaline Yumi


She was a Spoiled kid but unlike others, She hated being rich but her parents spoiled her rotten. When she was growing up she always had fake friends since they only became friends with her for her money but she found out and stopped being friends with them. Also, anywhere she went she was admired because she had designer clothes and she felt very uncomfortable every time but she got used to it. She kept one "friend" since she thought she wanted to be truly friends but oh boy was she wrong. She met a guy she liked very much and they dated but she was too dense to realize he was only dating her for her money.

How she met her lover and how her lover met her:

She is now 16 and she decided to go shopping for her "friend" since it was nearly her birthday. She was shopping for her "friend" for a long time, when she was done she left since it was getting a bit dark and she bought too much stuff for her "friend" until she saw her "friend". And as soon as she was about to call for her until she saw her boyfriend holding hands and kissing with her "friend"(Yuck). She was devistated that her "friend" was kissing her boyfriend and her "boyfriend" liked it(I'm gonna puke) soon she realized they are the same as the rest so she went to them and slapped her "boyfriend" and declared they are over but he didn't care and said, "So what? You're just a spoiled brat!" And slapped her back. She didn't cry since she felt worse. Her "friend" just looked at her and said, "Yeah who would even like a Spoiled brat like you" and that pissed her off and so she told them to give back everything she gave them her million dollar mansion, 20 Bugatti La Voiture Noire, The 60 Gucci shoes, My 5 Falcon Supernova iPhone 6 Pink Diamond, My limousine, and, my MJ'S Swarovski & Diamond Studded Notebook. Her "friend" and Her "Boyfriend" eyes widened and Her "Boyfriend" said, "I-I can't pay for all of that...." Her "friend" nodded. All she said was, "Get a F**king job! You Lying, Cheating, A$$ B***h and you too B***h! You better pay me in the next 3 months! OR I WILL S.U.E YOU BOTH AND YOUR FAMILIES". She walked away confidently but what she doesn't realize is that someone was looking at them and that person was very intrigued by her personality.

She went back home, took a bath, ate, brushed her teeth, and, went to bed since her parents are always out at work. She pet her "cat" that came onto her lap, she started ranting about what happened and her "cat" listened. After her ranting she was so exhausted she fell asleep as soon as she closed her eyes.

*Next Day*

She woke up and immediately got ready for school even tho it's 5:30 am in the morning. After she got ready she said goodbye to everyone even her pet "cat" which was a tiger. She went inside her Porsche 918 Spyder and drove off in a hurry, when she arrived at school she looked around to find her classroom and when she arrived around exactly 6:00 she sat and waited while reading her book. The reason why she came early is because it's quiet and she can read her book peacefully since when she wakes up it's always around 7:50 pm and she would be late. So she decided to wake up early and read her book.

*1 hours later*

Right when she was about to finish her classmates arrived and all she thought was, "Oh great...", When it's now 7:40 the teacher arrived and greeted everyone then she started calling attendance,
"Sarah Gabriella?"
"Lilith Ahriman"
"Cozbi Cassius?"(The "Friend" sorry for anyone whose name is this)
"Anwir Persefoni?"("Boyfriend" Ew)
"Um..Present miss.."
"Hermis Alumina and Louis Alumina?"
"Lucy Courtman?"
"Okay....Eliza ummm...Hipony?
"It's Hippony and here"
"Alrighty then Julius and Andrew!"
"Athena Hernandez"
"Jaline Yumi?"
"Okay...now that's done since the others seem to be late I will not include them"

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