Salver thought back to her fight with Mandy. She too had clearly had a massive improvement in her physical abilities. And she called herself Kimandy... And then there was that ring she had tried to point at her. What if it had something to do with it?

"Jerry," she said slowly, "if I tell you about a ring, does that mean anything to you? A ring that can fly or mix DNA?"

Jerry flinched, as if suddenly startled.

"Oh no, don't tell me that...Good God, someone got their hands on the Cat's Eye! If that's it, it's very serious..." he said gravely.

"Cat's Eye? What exactly is it?" asked Salver.

"A legendary artifact of unknown origin. It is capable of absorbing the traits and characteristics of anyone. The owner then becomes much stronger. It is of the same ring family as the one you wear. But unlike yours, it is not a fusion at all. It has the power to offer the best in the unfortunate victim: physical attributes, mental attributes, skills, experience,..."

"So, that means Mandy must have gotten hold of this jewel. But why do Dominique and Caitlin have Kim's DNA in their bodies? Are there more than one of these rings?" asked Salver.

"No, the Cat's Eye is able to distribute a copy of the DNA or stolen traits to those it has absorbed at will. If Mandy has come into its possession, we are in grave danger!"

"That's for sure... What are the weak points of the ring, Jerry?"

"It works through the will and feelings of its wearer. A positive or negative emotion powerful enough to fuel it. Mandy's must be fueled by her jealousy of you."

"So all we need to do is make Mandy less jealous, power-hungry, angry and evil..." said Salver in a breath.

There was a long, awkward silence.

"Or you can just take it off her finger. I think that's the easiest way," Jerry remarked.

Salver stood up and began to pace around the room.

"So, Mandy absorbed this girl, that's why she was so strong. It's kind of like an ant becoming a dragon. She's bound to seek to gain power and attack other people, we need to stop her before she becomes totally invincible."

"Yes, she could go on a rampage or try to get revenge for her defeat against you," Jerry continued. She could attack anyone. We need to declare a state of emergency immediately and put our best agents on alert."

"The best agents, you have them in front of you," Salver said simply.

"Oh yes...that's right."

"Anyway, no need to involve others. I have to deal with this alone, because it's me she wants. Above all, keep a close eye on the other two, Jerry. Maximum security "

"All right...But don't forget: Mandy is nothing like the one you knew. She has become extremely dangerous."

Salver then struck a pose, contracting her right bicep and holding it in her left hand.

"Me too!"

In the distance, behind the large glass windows of the executive office, the swarm of mini-spy drones camouflaged by invisibility screens had recorded the entire conversation. They had photographed the most essential information: the existence and location of Britney the super-spy. Soon, Kimandy would learn all about Salver's true identity and her connection to the Woohp. She would "visit" this Britney and, through her, learn everything there is to know about the Woohp's watch list, the one that contains the names of the most dangerous and powerful people around. A real Christmas gift list before its time...

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