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**Fade in**

(EXT. NIGHT - In an abandoned building, the hacker, JASON, dressed in all black, climbs over the fence and makes his way to the front door. He pulls out a set of lock picks and starts to work on the door lock)

I've been doing this for years. Breaking into places I shouldn't be, just to see if I can. But this time, it's different. This time, I'm not just testing the security of some random corporation.

(The lock clicks open, JASON enters the building)

I'm about to attempt something much more ambitious. I'm going to try and hack into the servers of the National Security Agency.

(INT. NIGHT - JASON makes his way to the server room, he pulls out a laptop and sets it up on a nearby table)

The first step is getting past the physical security. This building is crawling with guards and cameras, but I've done my research and I know where the blind spots are.

(JASON starts typing on his laptop, rapidly navigating through different screens)

Once I'm in the network, the real challenge begins. The NSA's security is legendary. They have firewalls and intrusion detection systems that are more advanced than anything I've ever seen.

(JASON's laptop beeps, he looks at the screen)

But I've found a way in. A vulnerability in one of the servers that I can exploit.

(JASON starts typing furiously on his laptop, lines of code fly across the screen)

I know I shouldn't be doing this. I'm wanted by the Russian Mafia for a hack I pulled off last year and now I'm risking my life by breaking into the most secure organization in the world. But I can't help it. The thrill of it all, the feeling of power. It's addictive.

(JASON's laptop beeps again, this time with an alert sound)

I've been caught. They know I'm in their system.

(JASON quickly packs up his laptop and starts to make his way back out of the building)

I've got to get out of here. But I know they'll be coming for me.

**Fade to black**

**Fade in**

(EXT. NIGHT - JASON exits the building and starts to run down the street)

I've got to get as far away from here as possible. They'll be coming after me. I need to lie low, maybe even leave the country.

(JASON takes out his phone and dials a number)

I need your help. I just hacked into the NSA.

(CUT TO INT. NIGHT - JASON's contact, LENA, is sitting at her computer in her apartment. She looks worried)

(on the phone)
Are you crazy? You know what they'll do to you if they catch you.

(on the phone)
I know. I just had to try. But now I need to get out of here.

(on the phone)
Alright, I'll help you. But you're going to have to lay low.

(CUT TO EXT. NIGHT - JASON is sitting in the back of a van with LENA driving. They are both wearing disguises)

Lena is one of the few people I trust. She's helped me out of tight spots before.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2023 ⏰

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