Act 1 Part 1 [Check on IC]

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==> Check on IC

A not so young boy by the name of Nate Yellow of the age of 15 sits in front of his computer editing some artwork. He is an AVID FANARTIST and ENJOYS WRITING little cheesy romance stories.

He is pestered by the ringing of his friends. Oh boy, he really doesn't have time for this. He briefly leaves the splendid artwork he is drawing at the moment and goes to quickly answer his friends.

We then shall skip a conversation that we have all read before that started something like this:

[Show Pesterlog]

eclipticLunarian [EL] began pestering illicitCompilations [IC]

EL: Hey there!

[Close Pesterlog]

Okay, now he is back to finishing his fanart. Little bit...just a teensy more...YES! Alright, now he can get his stuff. He gets off from his seat and heads to the door of his room. His bro most likely won't mind...probably... Oh well, not like he would care any way, the guy is always too busy in his 'lab' creating all sorts of 'potions' all caught up in his magicky and wizardry shenanigans, Nate's hoping he doesn't ambush him with another of his creations.

>Nate: Go check the mailbox

You somehow safely get down to the living room and you cautiously creep over to the mail-



box? What HAPPENED to the mailbox?! It is no longer a mailbox but a pile of letters... shaped like a mailbox. Just how did this happen... He reaches out and gently pokes it, to much of his expectations, it collapsed immediately. Just what did he do this time? Oh...just when he leant over to examine the pile of letters a puff of blue smoke appeared along with a brightly coloured note.

>Nate: Read Note

[Show Note]

Deareth mine littlest male sibling,
If thou art readeth this, thou must hath went to collect thine mail for thine game. Thy game envelopes be in mine sleeping quarters. Also the letter box shalt be restored to its former state as long as the pile of letters remains there. I wish thee the maximum fun and play throughout thine game.
Thou Older Male Sibling

[Close Note]

Nate sighs as he pockets the paper. To the bro's bedroom he guesses. He wishes that bro would stop with that medieval old fashioned way of writing already. It is way too formal for his tastes...

>Head to the brother's bedroom

He proceeds to do that but before he could reach the room, he is pestered by one of his female friends.

[Show Pesterlog]

dazedPixie [DP] began pestering illicit compilations [IC]

DP: heeye natte! havr yiu goteen tehb gaene yt?
IC: oh hey there ari-love! great to see YOU!
IC: well talk to YOU anyways
IC: I was just on MY way to MY bro's room
IC: HE'S gotten MY game package and unfortunately had probably planned to engage in some wizardry and potion bondin' shiz
DP: ooojj ssonds roudg yiu doisng ok?
IC: obviously MA lil' gal
DP: heheh i luv it wehen yey atenmp teh flirytng syuff
DP: its alysaw sk fun to sre wtat yuore gpna cime up woth
IC: haha, good to know love
IC: anyways I had better be goin'
IC: game's not gonna be waiting there with the brother forever
DP: aihjt sie ya layer in d gaem
IC: :)

dazedPixie [DP] ceased pestering illicitCompilations [IC]

[Close Pesterlog]

Now he can head to his older brother's room. With slow, silent steps he stops before a door with a red magic circle, obviously drawn with paint. He stifles a groan as he fumbles around in his pockets, pulling out the old piece of paper he always kept in all his jean and shorts pockets so he always knows how to get into his brother's room without some trap being sprung at him. It is simple, he just needs to knock thrice on the circle. 

>Enter Bro's bedroom

He does that and there his brother is and drat! The brother has spotted him.

"NO! I will not perform magic! You will not get me to do it!!!"

Oh darn it, his brother just froze him with a spell, what luck. Now he just has to deal with helping brother restore the mailbox that had been changed into a pile of paper. With a sigh he grabs some stardust, a bottle of ink and a vial of bird blood and prepares to do as his brother commands. In the meantime, let's go check on the other three yes?

==>Be Lucy || ==>Be Luke|| ==>Be Aria

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2015 ⏰

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