Act 1 Part 1 [Check on EL]

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==> Check on EL

A boy by the name of Luke Asters stands in front of his desktop, having talking with a friend of his about a game. She has already claimed the box and is supposedly running it now. Boy, he is glad to have friends he can play this game with now. He is really excited about it and he's hoping that he'll be able to explore the skies with it. GameBro has given pretty sucky reviews but the game seems awesome to him. He knows that this would be a fun game and now it appears another friend of his pestering him.

>Luke: Answer EE

[Show Pesterlog]

electrifiedEndorphin [EE] began pestering eclipticLunarian [EL]

EE: Hello there Asters! How have you been? I have managed to get my grandpa to send me the game up to me

EE: I hope Aria and Nayel have gotten it? Haven't heard anything from the other guy to be honest ;/

EL: Hey there LuAn! No I havent heard from NaYe yet. Ari has told me that she has gotten the game though

EL: We just need to hope the guy isnt busy with one of his fanart or fanfictions which he doesnt seem to take seriously

EE: Haha, yeah. I hope so too

EE: Anyways, should I connect to someone else first? You perhaps or maybe Nayel

EL: Im fine with either, you should check on the guy first though, make sure he isnt lagging behind us just yet

EE: True...alright then. To pestah the maroon gai! ;D

EL: Haha yep you are!

electrifiedEndorphin [EE] ceased pestering eclipticLunarian [EL]

[Close Pesterlog]

Well, now to run this game of his. He reaches for a dark blue box and pulls out a couple of disc packets containing CD's. He's not entirely sure whether to choose the one with the circle or house but in the end, picks the circle one instead either ways. He runs it and it has a screen saying 'Connect to Client Player'. Man, now he needs to host someone as it appears. Might as well host LuAn then. You re-pester her. Hopefully she's not too busy right now.

[Show Pesterlog]

eclipticLunarian [EL] began pestering electrifiedEndorphin [EE]

EL: Hey busy?

EE: Nope. I just finished a very quick conversation Nayel

EL: I see! Perfect then I was about to ask you if you would allow me to host you

EE: Oh? That sounds great so that means I will be entering the game now right?

EE: I have a screen saying that I need a Server player so I guess you came at the right time, Luke!

EL: Wonderful! Alright Ill connect to you now

EE: Yas that would be totes amazing!

EL: :D

[Hide Pesterlog]

>Luke: Begin hosting EE

You connect to EE and wow. You can see her from your computer screen. This is so weird!

[Unhide Pesterlog]

EL: Okay....I can see you in your room from my computer now. This is pretty weird since Im pretty sure there are no cameras in your room

EE: ;O

EE: That is weird! It's probably the game's influence but I have no idea how that works. How can someone even create a game that allows others to see what's in their own house anyways?

EL: I have no idea but um, there are quite some stuff on this bar here.

EL: Theres these machines called a Totem Lathe, Cruxtruder and Alchemiter. You dont have enough grist for all of them though

EL: But uh...I guess Ill deploy this Cruxtruder thingy because it looks quite important compared to the other stuff. Ill need to put away some stuff first so...excuse me...

EE: ;O

EL: OH GOSH! SO SORRY! I did not mean to...

EL: Never mind...

EE:'s alright?

EE: It's just a small thing so it doesn't really mean much to me

EL: Are you sure Ans?

EE: Yeah...

EL: Um...alright...

EL: Oh, Nayel is ACTUALLY contacting me now! Great! Be right back!

eclipticLunarian [EL] ceased pestering electrifiedEndorphin [EE]

[Close Pesterlog]

>Luke: Respond to IC

[Show Pesterlog]

illicitCompilations [IC] began pestering eclipticLunarian [EL]

IC: hey there luke! I know I have been quite inactive lately but I have yet to get the game and is on the way out.

EL: Awesome dude! Make sure you dont get hurt or anything like Aria almost did :T

IC: ari? what did SHE attempt to do?

EL: I dont know but I do know that she definitely went through quite a hard time getting the box

IC: ooh dear, poor ari love...

EL: ;) NaYe, am I sensing some interest in lil Ari?

IC: maaaaaayyybbeeee, but YOU know that I love girls all the same.

EL: I know I know. I was just checking XD

IC: gosh asters. anyways, I must be going now. Bro's probably gonna be back any time soon!

EL: Good luck!

illicitCompilations [IC] ceased pestering eclipticLunarian [EL]

>Luke: Get back to EE

You would, but let's check on the other two shall we? Who should we be?

==>EE || IC

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