You scared of the dark Finney? 8

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Pov: i was sleeping peacefully until i hear a knock on my door i slowly open my eyes i start to get up and open my door only to see my sister standing there.

" What Gwen?"

" I wanted to let you know that we don't have school today or tomorrow "

"Okay thanks for letting me know?" also if there is no school why are you up early? it's 7:15"

" Because me and my bffs Kate we decided to have sleepover so yeah I'm going to leave in a few minutes"

" Oh okay we'll be careful okay"

" Okay"

Pov: finney
After Gwen left i closed my door and laid in bed scrolling through Instagram when all of a sudden i see a photo of Vance i click on it and it takes me to his Instagram i scroll to see his photos and videos but most of them are him with his friends and some random abandoned places as I'm scrolling i accidentally like a picture of him at this point i panic and turn my phone off and bury my face in my pillow i felt so nervous and emmberessed after having a mental breakdown for liking his photo by accident i head down stairs only to find out my dad was not home and Gwen most of left with her friend so now i was alone i was thinking of inviting Bruce and robin over but then i decided not too idk why so i just chilled for a bit and watched tv i looked at the time and it was already 10:30 am so i decided to go to the store and buy a few things i went upstairs took a shower and putted on black sweatpants and a black hoddie with my crocks and putted my glasses on i got my keys headed out of the house. Luckily the store was 4 minutes away so i just had to walk it i was listening to my favorite while walking until i see someone bump into me i fall to the ground and look up to see it was Bruce he offers his hand so i grab it and he helps me up.

" Hey Finn you okay"?

" Yeah I'm fine"

" Where are you going?

" Oh to the store to buy a few things"

" Okay it was nice seeing you"

" Same well see u at school"

"Yeah bye"

Pov: finney
After Bruce leaves i continue to listen to music and walking i finally made it to the store i enter i first go through the snack area then through clothes, and finally through the ice cream area as I'm about too pick up my favorite ice cream i notice Vance at the milk area i panic and without thinking i leave my cart and run towards the area which was 10 feet away from the milk area as I'm pepping to see if he Left and he was gone i sighed in relief i go back to my cart and go to the pay area as I'm leaving the store i start walking through an Alley when all of a sudden i feel someone grab me by my waist and pin me to the wall i start to freak out i close my eyes but gain the courage to open only to see Vance!!.

" Vance!!?? what are you doing let me go!!"

" Shut the hell up dipshit first i need you to answer this one question got it !!? Okay we're you fucking stalking me or something because i knew u were at the store also i just pretended like i couldn't see you."

" I wasn't stalking you i was just buying things ! now let me go Vance"

" Fine go away before i beat u up"!

" Your fucking dumb and crazy tbh"

" What did u say fuckhead!"


Pov: as Vance starts to leave i pick up my groceries and start heading home it was already 1:58 pm as i unlocke the door i enter into the house and start putting everything away after i was done i go to the living room and take a small nap hours later i wake up and check my phone it was 7:34 pm it was pitch black outside i decide to watch a horror movie while eating ice cream when all of a sudden i hear a knock on the door obviously i become a bit scared and my heart starts racing i grab a bat and open the door only to reveal Vance!?.

" Well Well who would've thought the Finney the stacker Blake would hit someone with a bat?!😏

" W-what H-how did you find out were i live!?? Why are you even here?"🤔😰

"I asked a friend of your robin is it"?

" Why did u come here tho?" 🤔

" I was bored and because I'm not friends with matty anymore i decided to play with my new toy"😏

" T-toy wym toy?"😳

" Oh u don't need to know Anyway are you going to let me in ?"

" I-i nvm come in👁️👄👁️

" Thank you for letting me in Finney stacker Blake"😌

" Don't call me that!"😐

" Oh then what do u prefer pretty boy"

Pov : finney
Did he just call me p-pretty boy!!!???😳

" What's wrong ur all red do u have a fever or do u just like the name"?😏

" N-no it's c-cause nvm just get out"😳😐

"Nah I'll hang around abit hey Finney are you scared of the dark?"🤔

Pov: finney
Shit i am but If i say that then I'll look like i little kid.

" N-no"

"Okay then u wouldn't care if i turn off the kitchen lights ? Or the living room lights😏

" No wait!! Turn it back on !! Vance I'm not joking!! 😰😨 Vance were are you i can't see you !! Stop that it's not funny!!."

Pov: finney
The moment Vance turned off the lights everything went pitch black i started to feel my heart racing and i could feel tears forming in my eyes i tried looking for him but i couldn't find him i tried moving my hands around to see if i could touch him but nothing happened at this point tears are falling on cheek and i start to sob quietly i have my hands on my face and I'm leaning against the wall when all of a sudden i feel Vance pull my wrist and pulls me toward his chest i could feel his heart beating really fast i soon feel a hand on my waist and the other on my head i couldn't help but blush.

" Shhhh okay I'm sorry i think i took it too far I'm sorry Finney i thought this would be a fun little prank but i ended up hurting you mentally so I'm sorry"😔

"I-its o-ok "

" No it's not i did horrible things too you Finney i was a fucking jerk to you you didn't deserve any of that you are smart, kind, cute, shy , pretty boy just everything about you it makes me feel something weird in my stomach and i feel horrible for not realizing it but i think i have feelings for you Finney"

" What" 😳

" I think i lik-"

Pov : finney
Idk why but all i can say is i just had the urge to kiss him so i did and surprisedly he kissed me back which made my heart beat faster.

" I like you too Vance ☺️

"I think I'm in heaven now😳"

😂😂 "Really Vance? So umm are we d.a.t.i.n.g?

" If u want us to be?"

"Yeah "

" Then there's your answer"😁😏

And y'all that's the end of the story i feel. A bit sad that it ended it was a good ass experience and i promise I'll probably make robin x finney or Mike x will thing so yeah bye everyone i hope u enjoyed this story 😭😭😭

from hate to love (Vance x Finney)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt