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Bertha and Catherine had slowly started with their plots on going to London. Catherine had been making the phone calls to all the connections she had, while Bertha stuck on doing the research and financing everything that needed funds.

By now, some work forces had started getting back to work, but not the airport yet.

Catherine joined Bertha at a local diner to discuss their current achievements. Bertha was slowly loosing hope because both their visas and passports were still pending.

"I have never seen that facial expression in my entire life." Catherine said, as she dropped her bag in the chair and sat opposite Bertha.

Bertha didn't look at her; instead, she kept her head low with her eyes on the cup of coffee she was stirring.

"Did something happen? Like should I also be sad, or did you just call me over to watch you be miserable." Catherine asked softly.

Bertha let out a sigh, and raised her head up to look at Catherine.

"What? Talk to me." Catherine insisted.

"It's just—I don't know. Its--" Bertha stuttered.

Cathy was about to say something, but stopped when a waiter came up to them to take their orders.

"You wanna tell me what's bothering you, because I've never seen you this miserable in my life." Catherine said after the waiter had gone.

"Thanks for the compliment." Bertha said, in dry sarcasm.

Catherine shot her a questioning look without saying anything.

"Okay fine." Bertha said, "Am a little scared or whatever you want to call it."

"Go on." Catherine replied with a nod.

The waiter showed up with their lunch before Bertha could start talking.

"Thanks." Bertha and Catherine said together after the lady set the food in front of them.

"I'm kind of suffering from anxiety. I think we are taking this too far." Bertha said.

"Taking what?" Catherine asked, and started with her food.

"You know this whole London thing." Bertha whispered, "I think we are moving too fast."

"What do you mean? It was your idea." Catherine said, still focused on her meal.

"I know, it's just—" Bertha paused, "What if it doesn't work out?" She asked, clearly worried.

"That's a negative thing to say, especially coming from the person who talked me into this." Catherine said, still eating.

Bertha got the memo. She and sank into her seat, her food still untouched, and by now getting cold.

"I didn't mean it like that. " Bertha said, apologetically.

Catherine stooped eating, and raised her head to meet Bertha's worried face.

"I get it, it's normal to get cold feet. It's all happening too fast, everything is currently processing—" Catherine started.

Bertha cut in, "That's the thing. It's been pending for days now."

"B, chill." Catherine cut her off. "Workers haven't even resumed to their work places yet. Plus, we just started a couple of days ago; we even got lucky that ours is in the processing phase, so just have some patience." She added trying her best to calm and convince Bertha.

Bertha let out a sigh, "I guess you're right."

"I'm always right and you know that." Cathy said, and returned to her food. "Now don't overthink it, or talk negatively about it, or you might jinx it." She added and took a look at Bertha to make sure she was following.

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