His oto-chan sighed, "This isn't something up for discussion, Mikoto. The clan elders and I have already decided to petition the Academy for the advancement tests. I had hoped to have your support in this. But it's not necessary."

His ka-chan's voice was tight, "I don't care what you or the clan elders say. You are not robbing my son of his childhood. You are not submitting my son to the life of a shinobi before he has had a chance to develop a life of his own. My son is going to grow up whole."

"Dammit, Mikoto, he's my son too."

Something changed in his ka-san's voice. It became softer, sweeter-and something in it made Itachi's hackles rise. "You know what, Fugaku? You're right. He is your son. And if you ever want another one, you will allow Itachi to graduate at the same time as the other students in his year. He will mature and progress and learn. He will develop bonds. He will be our son, Fugaku, or I swear by all the kami and by the first blood I spilled that you will have to live with the consequences."

There was a long silence in the kitchen. His oto-chan's voice, when he spoke, was low and raspy, "Mikoto. You know I love you. But this is what is best for Itachi; this is what is best for our clan. I am the clan head only because my aniki died. I will need another son. And you are not the only way I can get it. Think before you speak, my love."

"I love you too, Fugaku. But I think you are missing my point." Itachi heard a draw open and the solid thud of something wet hitting wood. He took a moment to analyze the risk of moving from his hiding spot where he was sneaking-definitely not snooping, as this was obviously important information he would not have otherwise discovered-and decided that his parents were too involved with each other to notice a moving shadow in the safety of their own kitchen.

His eyes widened when he saw what his mother was doing. She had removed a three inch thick steak and was carving it slowly with a spoon. His oto-san's face was growing more and more pale with each small section his ka-chan siphoned off the steak with the spoon.

They were silent for a long moment, his oto-san just watching his ka-chan. Finally, when the steak was unrecognizable, his mother held the spoon up between them. "I would never kill you, Fugaku. You have my loyalty as my husband and my clan leader. But never forget who I am. And I tell you, if you do this thing, you will never be able to have children again."

Itachi focused all his attention on the deliberate way his ka-chan laid the spoon on the table, placing it precisely horizontally before his pale oto-san.

"I trust you understand," his ka-san said quietly.

His oto-san gulped. "I will...speak with the clan elders about your concerns. It is possible that we were too hasty in our excitement and...overlooked...certain key factors...about how this would affect Itachi's development."

His ka-chan executed a flawless bow. "Thank you, honored husband."

His oto-san quickly left the room.


Present Day
Hokage Tower

Sakura wasn't sure who was drooping more, her or Sasuke. Naruto was obviously cheating with the Kyuubi chakra, but even he was a little wilted around the edges. Sakura wished their report wasn't so urgent and they could find some food.

"What is keeping the hag?" Naruto growled from his position against the wall. Sakura cracked open an eye and glared at him.

"Probably ANBU business, or the council, or a stupid genin who did something stupid, or perhaps she was needed in an emergency operation..."

Sasuke's hand cut her off and she considered hitting him, but didn't want to move. She was too tired to waste the amount of energy required to make the hit count.

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