"She needed Zog out of the way to raise your sister. Because Princess Tiabeanie is the one who needs to fulfill the Prophecy."

"THEN WHY THE HELL WAS I BORN?!" Avelina screamed at Alexander.

"Lina..." Alexander whispered.

"If it was my sister, then...then..." Avelina just rubbed her head. This stress was too much. "Alex...did you all try to put that crown on my head?"

"NO!" Alexander shouted suddenly. "No, Lina...never...I'd never let that happen!"

The two just stood there quietly for a moment. Till Avelina broke the silence by asking, "Why...why did you lie to me, Alex?" She asked again. She could feel her eyes begin to water.

"You weren't ready to know, Lina," said Alexander as he took a deep breath and exhaled. "Truth be told...I didn't want you to know because of how this whole lifestyle would've affected you. When I first held you in my arms, Lina, I felt an emotion I had only felt once. It was a similar feeling that I felt with your Aunt Becky, but...It was different. But when I saw you as a baby, I felt warm when I first saw your smile and adorable laugh. I had always felt cold. But then you came into my life Avelina..."

She couldn't contain it anymore. Her tears glided down her cheeks, and she tried her best not to sob.

"I wanted to take you away with Becky and live somewhere else where none of this exists...somewhere where we can live in peace...that's what I want to do..."

Avelina sniffles and wipes the tears away from her eyes. "T-Then let's do it!" She said. "Take me to Dreamland, where my father, little brother, and sister are. I want you to leave all of this behind for good!"

"Avelina...that...I..." Alexander didn't know how to reply. "Do you not realize what is at stake? The dept to hell, the family tradition...my goal to become the strongest knight in Maru, Dagmar's-"

"Do you love me, Alex?" Avelina cut him off.

Alexander paused. Their eyes meet. Avelina watched Alexander's expression closely. "Dagmar is evil. She tried to kill my father. She doesn't care about family if she hurts Jerry. All of this planning is going to hurt people. How will my sister feel once she finds all of this out?" She steps closer to Alexander. "Alex...if you love me as much you say you do...then you wouldn't go through with this anymore..."

Alexander tried his best to find his words.

Avelina narrowed her eyes at Alex. "Alexander...it's me...or Dagmar..."

Alexander remembered the first time he met Dagmar. The first time they spoke their minds about life and purpose. He remembered the day he became Maru's first knight and vowed to serve Dagmar's family.

His vow to Dagmar.

Alexander would stare into Avelina's eyes. But he would look away from her.

"I'm sorry, Avelina...but I can't betray Dagmar..."

Avelina's eyes grew wide slightly, and her jaw dropped slightly. Avelina felt...a wave of emotion that she had never felt before. It started from her chest and spread throughout her whole body. She didn't even notice the tears that flooded down her cheeks. When Avelina tried to speak, her lip quivered, and nothing but sobs came out.

This was the first time that Avelina felt heartbreak.

Alexander looked at Avelina. He stepped forward to try and rub her cheek, but Avelina backed away and shook her head. She turned away from Alexander and ran back into her room.

Alexander felt dizzy. He held his head and placed his other hand on the wall to support him. He was so tired...


     Once Alexander had told Cloyd and Becky about what happened. The two of them rushed to Avelina's room. Becky was the first person to step into her room. Avelina in her bed under her covers. She could hear the small sounds of her sobbing into her pillow.

"Lina..." said Becky, sitting on the edge of the bed. Avelina didn't reply. "So you found out everything. Alex told us..."

"It's about time, too," said Cloyd. "Keeping all of this from you was a terrible idea from the start! You should've been told as soon as you could understand English!"

"Cloyd!" said Becky, glaring at him.

"It's true, Becky!" said Cloyd, glaring back. His eyes would fall upon the book that Avelina was reading. "Wait...is that the family data book?" He walked over to Avelina's counter and picked it up. "So that's how you found out." Avelina appeared from under the covers. Her hair was a mess, and her eyes were bloodshot.

Becky reached over and rubbed Avelina's cheek softly. "Avelina, I know all of this is a lot to understand. But this is our family. You're a part of our family bloodline Lina. We all must take part in this to fulfill our family tradition...no matter the cost..."

Avelina looks over at her Aunt. "Even if it means hurting the people that we love?"

Becky sighed. She didn't know what to say to Avelina at that moment. Avelina would turn away from her Aunt and uncle and place the covers over her head. "Just, please...leave me alone..." She pleaded to them.

Becky and Cloyd looked at each other worriedly. The two did as Avelina requested and left the room.

"Just give her time," said Cloyd. " I'm sure she'll come around eventually."

Avelina continued to lie in her bed. Her head was throbbing. Not just from the stress but from all of the crying she did. A debt to hell, a prophecy that needs to be fulfilled, her sister, brother, father, and...her birth mother. Dagmar...Dagmar isn't the woman that she thought she was. Alexander told her lies...

"Alex...Alex why..." Avelina whispered those words in her head. "How...how could you pick someone like that over me...I thought you loved me..."

Avelina cried herself to sleep.

She hoped that in the morning...all of this would've just been a horrible dream.

She wished it was. 

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