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Seagulls cried in the sky up above, and it was a foggy day by the sea. Dolphins jumped in and out nearby, and a whale had been spotted from afar, but everything had been tranquil. The waves rippled as usual, but they were calm on that morning, good enough to get by, but not strong enough to lead the ship astray. Sailors sang their last sea shanty, and everything was well.

"Poseidon has blessed us with a good day." Doyoung spoke, nodding at the waves that moved the shiny wooden ship back and forth.

"King Triton must be in a good mood." Johnny added, reeling in fish.

"You think?" Renjun muttered, throwing up for the hundredth time. His face was beginning to turn more and more green. Mark ignored him; it was his fault for insisting to tag along.

Mark felt the sea breeze against his face and inhaled the nice smell of the salty water, as he walked up to Johnny.

"Who's King Triton?"

Mark had joined the fisherman to sail, and he was very excited. It was one of his first times out at sea. His parents hardly let him do anything fun, but he had recently turned a marriageable age, so he was allowed more things. He was always stuck in the stuffy castle rooms, learning this or that, mainly politics or philosophy. He hardly got to learn about the fun things he liked, but now he was being granted a little more freedom.

Mark wanted an adventure, which was typical for any boy around his age.

"You don't know who King Triton is, and you want to be a sailor?" Johnny frowned. Mark laughed shyly.

"Man, those books they make you read don't teach you anything." Johnny tsked, "He's Poseidon's child, aye, king of the seas. He's a merman, half man-half fish."

"Pft merman." Renjun rolled his eyes.

"You don't believe in merpeople?" Doyoung frowned at Renjun, "We've seen everything, aye. With our own eyes."

"It's true. We've seen whales with teeth." Johnny added, with suspense in his tone.

"Great big octopuses, the closest thing to Scylla." Doyoung said.

"Aye, and when something goes missing on the ship, you best know the merspeople took it." Johnny reached a rope to try and fix the sail.

"What's Scylla?" Mark whispered to Renjun.

"An octopus lady." Renjun rolled his eyes again, "Don't listen to them, Mark. None of that's real. Well, actually, whales with teeth and big octopi are-"

Mark laughed at his friend who's cheeks filled up again, face still immensely green. Mark patted his back as he threw up, looking down at the glassy sea.


And down.

And down.

Down, where the fish hid from the boat, swimming in schools

where the jellyfish floated,

where whales swam in families,

down and down,

where seaweed grew from the seabeds of the ocean floor, between the coral and rocks and caves

where no human eye could see,

down, in the deepest depths of the sea, was where the merpeople lived, all making their way to the palace of King Taeyoung, ruler of the seas.

Irene scoffed as she watched the happy faces through her magical orb.

"Can you believe it?" She rolled her eyes, reaching a hand to carefully pet one of the eels, "They're out there partying, while I'm stuck here, banished and exiled, looking like this."

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