Capítulo 8: Qué Padre tan Padre

Start from the beginning

-interview with Kevin-

"Yo escogí el nombre de Kevincito," Kevin smiled proudly. "Y Y/n, escogió el nombre de Rori." Kevin explained. "Pero Y/n siempre había dicho que al primer niño le iba a poner como el papá, o sea como yo," Kevin said, once again smiling proudly as he pointed at himself.

-interview with Memo-

"Ver a Kevin chillar, es algo que no pasa mucho," Memo says. "Pero cuando nacieron los niños, chiyo ," Memun chingo" Memo says, remembering the way Kevin cried happy tears both times that he had introduced the babies to the team.

"El ama a sus hijos mucho," Memo said, smiling at the camera.

"Cuando veo cómo son Y/n y Kevin como papás me siento orgulloso," He said, a big smile on his face. "Yo vi a Kevin crecer en el hombre que es ahora, y no se, me siento muy orgulloso de él," He says, nodding his head as he speaks to the camera.

-interview with you-

"Kevin aunque llegue tarde y cansado de sus entrenamientos, sea, lo que sea, si los niños quieren jugar, o platicar con él, él siempre les dedica tiempo," You said.

"Cuando le dije que estaba embarazada," You smile as you remember that very special moment. "Dios mio, no dejaba de sonreír," You say.

You paced around the room. The pregnancy test in your hands. You had taken it earlier this morning, while Kevin was at practice. You had been feeling off lately and not to mention that you were late.

You didn't know how to tell him. You were happy, beyond happy, but you didn't know how he would feel or how he would react. His career was taking off right now, and he had been traveling a lot lately with Mexio's national team.

You felt like you were going to be sick again, this time, you didn't know if it was because of the baby or because you were so nervous. You ran to the bathroom, rushing to the toilet.

You knew that you had to tell him. You were married for god's sake. He couldn't just leave you, right? No no, of course not. Kevin isn't like that. You knew that he would never leave you. He wasn't like that.

Would he be upset?

You heard the front door open and it felt like your heart sank. You had to recollect yourself. Quickly standing up and brushing your teeth. You hid the pregnancy test in your back pocket, going to greet him.

You would just tell him, and however he would react, you would be fine.

Your feet felt heavy with every step you took. You could feel your heart beating out of your chest.

Why are you so afraid?

"Hola amor," He said as he went to put his training bag away. When he came back he looked at you with a worried expression. "Que tienes?" He asked, stepping closer to you and cupping your face in his hands. "Estas palida," He said, moving your head around to get a better look at your face.

You didn't say anything, you just grabbed the pregnancy test and handed it to him. He looked at you confused until he realized what he was reaching out for.

He looked at the test, his eyes widening for a second before he looked up at you.

"Estoy embarazada," You said. Your voice was quiet, almost a whisper.

He took a closer look at the small screen on the test, as a way to confirm what you had just told him.

He was silent for a moment, which made the nervousness in your stomach feel worse. You were about to become sick again, you could feel it.

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