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My heart is still beating from Alisa's fall, how close it had been to her injuring herself, how if I'd wasted another millisecond she would've ruined her career.

I don't even know why I cared. I just met her a couple of days ago, at that dinner. But maybe cause I know she means a lot to Pedri. And I'm even more surprised to feel let down when she sits on the other side of the couch, next to Ferran and Pedri.

She's hiding her face behind Ferran's shoulder, expecting a jumpscare from the horror scene on the TV. I struggle to hide a hint of a smile.

I don't even notice Pedri as he creeps around me, jumping out from behind me.

"Mierda!" I shout, almost shitting my pants. Today's just a heart attack after heart attack. The others got scared too, because Ferran is clinging on to Alisa, practically on her lap, and Ansu is grabbing Frenkie's hair, while Mikky is hiding behind a pillow.

"Es culpa de Pedri!" I point a finger towards him. They give me annoyed looks.

(It's Pedri's fault!)

Once everyone is watching the movie again, Pedri nudges me.

"Necesito hablar contigo," Pedri points to the kitchen.

(I need to talk to you.)

We get to the kitchen and Pedri stares at me.


"Do you like Alisa?" My eyes pop out of my sockets. Where is this coming from?

"What? No, of course not," I scoff. Pedri narrows his eyes.

"You're letting her boss you around, and you've been glancing at her every few seconds during the movie. Don't lie, hermano, she's caught your eye."

"She hasn't. And be quiet, they're in the living room."

"All I'm trying to say is, don't treat her like one of your regular hookups, okay?"

"And I should take advice from you, how many deep relationships have you been in?"

"That's because I haven't found the right one," Pedri frowns, "but it's not about relationship advice, it's about Alisa advice, and I, for one, know a lot about her. Her favorite food, her deepest fear, her icks and the things she likes."

"Look, Pedri, I don't like her that way. Yes, she caught my eye, but it's nothing more."

"If this is about that idiotic girl who used you for fame, Alisa's nothing like that. If she had a chance, she would model without the fame."

"I told you, I don't like her!" I'm angry, because he mentioned the only thing that hurt more than a lost football match.

"I'm only telling you this because she let down her guard with you today. She never does that, only with people she's close with. And the fact that she's not that close with you says something."

"I. Don't. Care." Pedri nods and turns around, leaving me alone in the kitchen without another word.

I lean on the counter, rubbing my face with my hands.

The truth is, I'm scared. Scared that the betrayal from my last relationship will haunt me forever. And the random hookups haven't helped me.

And I wouldn't say she let her guard down with me today. She just bossed me around.

And I willingly did what she told me to do.

Mierda. What is happening to me.


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