5. Better off without me

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~ Aguni's POV ~

He'd seen Takeru. He'd seen his best friend. Standing there in that ridiculous dressing gown of his, looking pale as a ghost.

'Takeru?' Aguni had croaked softly. 'You're supposed to be dead.'

And then you had yelled at him from a distance. 'You coming or what?' When Aguni had looked back to where Takeru had previously been standing, he'd vanished.

'Are you okay?'

'Yeah... I just thought I saw something.'

He wasn't feeling okay, though. In fact, he was trembling, but he made sure you didn't notice.

That night, you cooked an amazing meal with the vegetables you'd gathered and Aguni found himself in heaven with every single bite. Not that he told tell you that. Just like he didn't tell you that he would be leaving to hunt the King of Spades early in the morning, without you, or that he had secretly picked the last fresh peach from that one tree. It would be his parting gift.

He didn't like what he was starting to feel for you; this need to protect you, to keep you safe. He didn't understand where it came from; it frightened him and took his mind off his one goal: to kill the King of Spades and die while doing so. To atone for what his sins.

In contrary to what you'd told Aguni two days before, he knew in his heart that there would be no forgiveness for him. You were a rare case, pure good – of course you had forgiven him. But he knew he deserved to die. He'd known it from the moment he'd first pulled the trigger on someone.

'So you're going up against the King of Spades, huh?'

Takeru Danma was sitting on the couch with his arms casually resting on the backrest, legs extended in front of him. It was still dark outside and Aguni could faintly hear the crickets chirping through the open window.

'Leave me alone, Takeru. You're dead.'

'Aren't you taking the girl with you?'


'She's a pretty thing,' Takeru smirked. 'Is she the reason you're trying to play hero all of a sudden?'

Aguni's head shot up, eyes narrowed. But Takeru had vanished again.

With a sigh, Aguni closed his backpack. He left a large amount of canned and fresh food on the kitchen counter, in plain sight where you would find it.

Then, as quietly as he could, he climbed the stairs to the room where you were sleeping. He opened the door but briefly froze at the sound of the creaking wood. Your heavy breathing didn't falter, and so he entered.

You were sleeping soundly with your hair fanned out on the pillow and your lips slightly parted. A shirt that was at least three sizes too big swam around your body and your legs were tangled in the bed sheets.

During the two first nights you'd spent in the center of Tokyo together, Aguni had secretly watched you sleep too. For some reason he couldn't fathom, the sight of you in such utter peace calmed him. He didn't like leaving you behind, which was exactly why he had to go. He bent over your sleeping silhouette, reaching out as if to run his fingers through your hair, but his hand froze mid-air.

He took a step back and went back downstairs.

He placed the peach on the coffee table and attempted to write a note three times. He sighed at the sight of his atrocious handwriting. You were definitely going to laugh at it.

Stay here, I'll return to you when the King is dead.

That would be a lie.

Don't come after me. Please.

That didn't sound like him at all.

Aguni crumpled the two notes and scratched the back of his head with his pencil. He thought for a second and then he wrote down a simple message, consisting of only two words:

Stay here.

He walked out of the door, revved Sandra's engine and took off.

It's for her own good, he thought as he cast a last glance at the house in the rearview mirror.

She's better off without me.


Whaaaaat? Two chapters on the same day?? I know it's short but consider it a little bonus chapter. ;) Hope u enjoyed.



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