2. Next stage

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!!!BIG PHAT TW!!!: there's gonna be brief mentions of rape, just to address the day when Usagi arrived at the Beach and got threatened by the militants. If that bothers or triggers you, just skip to the asterisks a little further down, you're not missing out on anything important. x


You spent the rest of the day roaming around the city, gathering supplies and weapons. You were very careful to keep a close eye on Aguni; you weren't exactly keen on getting a bullet in your back, even though he didn't seem interested in doing that at all. He mostly kept quiet, expression blank, eyes focused on the task at hand. He was still a little unsteady on his legs but so were you. Your pace was rather slow, but it didn't matter; there was no rush.

And so the day passed in a daze, and you were conflicted as to what you thought of Aguni's company. Part of you liked not being alone, but part of you also didn't want to spend any time longer with him than necessary. You didn't trust him at all.

The best move was probably to try and join another group as soon as you found one. But that meant that you were stuck with him for the time being.

When the sun finally started finding its way to the horizon and the air began cooling down, you found an empty building to spend the night.

'So, Aguni...' you started, as the both of you sat by the fire you'd made.

'What.' Not a question, more a demand.

'We already know you're a murderer, but what about Usagi?'

Aguni froze. 'Wat about her?'

'I know you gave her a hard time on her first day at the Beach,' you said, biting into a piece of canned fruit. 'Did you plan on raping her?'

While you were sure that Aguni's guilt about murdering all those people was eating him from the inside and he probably wasn't going to add you to the collection, you had to be sure that you were safe on all levels. That he wasn't going to try something else.

Disgust flashed across his face as Aguni stared into the fire.

'That's what that sick bastard Niragi made of the situation,' he said, lips curled in disapproval. 'It was nothing more than a power play, to show the militants that Hatter was still in charge. They were getting harder to control every day.' He placed his food on the ground, apparently not hungry anymore, and added: 'The only reason I wanted Usagi to come with me was because I recognized her from a game of tag we both played. She's athletic and a great fighter. I thought she would make a good militant.'

Finally, he raised his eyes to look at you. 'Yeah, I may be a murderer, but I would never harm anyone in that way.'

You studied his face, trying to estimate if he was telling the truth.

'Alright, big boy,' you concluded after a while, still poking at your food, 'I believe you.'

That didn't mean, however, that you trusted him. And that certainly didn't mean that you would allow yourself to fall asleep in his presence. It didn't matter that you would be exhausted in the morning. You would not fall asleep.

And tomorrow, you thought, tomorrow I'm going to find another group.


'Did you sleep well?'

You shot upright, awakened by Aguni's voice.

'I didn't sleep!' you yelled hazily as you plucked a strand of hair out of your mouth.

Shit. You fell asleep, you dumb bitch.

Aguni was stoking the fire and a pot of herbal tea hung above it. An amused smile played at his lips.

Shared Agony // Aguni Morizono x readerWhere stories live. Discover now