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Since the bathroom incident on March 20, 2009, six days have passed. Young shows his peers that the legend of the ghost of Wawa lurking in the old bathroom at his school is false. The responses of all the classmates to Young's actions were amazement. Mey wasn't particularly interested in the legend, but he was delighted to see his friend happy. Ben, on the other hand, was truly worried about Young if he made a serious mistake. Ben believed it was because of his timid personality.

On that day, Young actually understood Ben's feelings that what he was doing was not right because, at that time, he felt a strange feeling, but because of his logical mindset, he didn't really care. When it was time for Young to go home from school, the curiosity in the air he felt in the old bathroom prompted him to return to the place to check for the last time.

But when Young arrived, he felt himself shiver as he listened to the sound of a soft moan coming from the old bathroom. He slowly reached for the door handle, expecting to find nothing. To his surprise, he was met with a dark light emanating from behind the door. Young slowly stepped inside to find a figure standing in the corner of the old bathroom. The figure was dressed in a long, black robe and had no face. Its hands were crossed in front of its chest, and it watched Young with an eerie presence. Young felt a chill go down his spine as the figure began to move, slowly inching its way towards him. Young stepped back and tripped over a bucket in the corner of the bathroom, sending a loud crash throughout the area. He quickly scrambled to his feet and ran out of the restroom, his heart pounding in his chest, and at that time Young finally admitted that the legends about the ghost spirit Wawa's were real.

Luckily, he made it outside and met Ben, who was waiting for him in front of the school gate because they always went home together. Young was still shaking from the experience and told Ben what he had seen. Ben was just as scared as Young, so Ben suggested that they should go and meet Mey.

Young and Ben had arrived at Mey's house. It was a quiet, dark afternoon. Young told them about his experience seeing a ghost in the old bathroom before. Mey and Ben listened attentively to Young's story, but their fear soon turned to shock when suddenly Mey started to convulse and let out a loud and strange voice. Young and Ben felt scared and confused, not knowing what to do. They tried to calm Mey down, but she seemed to be possessed by a ghostly spirit of Wawa's. Mey continued to speak in a different voice, and his eyes seemed to be rolling back in his head.

After a few moments of silence, Mey's voice changed once again, and she spoke in a deep, raspy voice. "I am Wawa," she said. The boys were terrified, knowing who Wawa was from the legends. Before Mey woke up from her unconsciousness Wawa said that he would kill everyone after dawn at 6 o'clock because he was bothered by the people around him.


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