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Time period: First years in Teiko

Honestly, he hated white coloured blazers. It made him feel so... exposed, after being in the Mafia, the dark or the underground for at least 2 years. It feels as if he could be seen through by those in the light and he hates the feeling terribly.


He clings tightly onto the strap of his bag for dear life as he stopped in front of the metallic school gates. His friends' (mainly guardians, except Kyoko, Haru and Kyoya. The raven head just don't want to move and Lambo is too young) expression looked terribly grim and each of them itch to grab their weapons to protect themselves. Reborn, in his teenage body smirked at the high tension of his student's family. Shoving all of them, he forced all of them into the building in spite of all the beautiful languages launched in his direction. And soon, all of them were in the face of a grumpy looking middle aged man in a well carpeted office.

"Welcome to Teiko Middle school, Vongola Decimo and his guardians." The man greeted. "My name is Yamagi Taiko and I'm the principal of this school. I'm indeed honoured to have you study here."

Tsuna just rubbed the back of his neck as he tries to return the greetings but Reborn just have to strike him in the head and comment on how a proper boss should act. Tsuna settles with taking a bow and his usual speech. "Thank you for having us in this humble school. May you need any particular assistance in the funds, please feel free to approach me. If I'm not wrong, the school is under the Vongola, am I right?"

"Yes, Decimo."

"Drop the formalities please. I'm just a student in the school and would like this status to remain as it is. Please approach any of us if you need assistance." Tsuna addressed with a pleasant yet contagious smile on his face. The principal could not help but smile back at the brunet before handing them a folder with details in it. "This is your class and what you need to know about the school. It's best you move now because classes are starting soon." They began to walk towards the door, not forgetting to thank the man.

As the door closed, Reborn pulled on his fedora again when he realised that the rules on accessory does not specify any don'ts, only stating that it should not hinder the learning process of students. Gokudera slipped on his belt and rings and wore a proud grin, dancing in happiness inside when he saw the same section as Reborn. They then proceed to open their folders to know which classes they are going.

3-A: Sawada Tsunayoshi, Dokuro Chrome

3-B: Yamamoto Takeshi, Gokudera Hayato

4-A: Sasagawa Ryohei, Reborn

"Why am I not in the same class as Jyuudaime?!" Gokudera exclaimed. Yamamoto patted on his back consolingly. "Maa maa. Chrome is with Tsuna, don't worry! Let's go to class now."

"Don't touch me, you baseball idiot!" Gokudera shouts as he starts to walk in the direction of his class. More like tugged as Yamamoto is grabbing his collar, dragging him to class. Shouts of 'let go' and 'Save me Juudaime' could be heard down the halls. Tsuna sighs at the all too familiar sight. "Well then, we'll see each other later." They nod their heads and begin their own way.

~With Kuroko, Aomine and Momoi~

Aomine is snoring loudly on his desk while Momoi and Kuroko stare at him in disbelief. Just then, Momoi's face lit up as she remembered something.

"Neh, our class will be getting two new students. Who do you think they'll be?" Momoi taps her chin and pouts going to get some reply, but the bell soon rang, signalling the start of class. The teacher then strides in a with a blush on her face.

"Minna! We will have two new classmates joining us today. Sawada-san, Dokuro-san." The class soon ensued into mumbles as soon as the two entered the class. All their eyes then settle themselves on the two newbies. Tsuna can feel himself tense up and nearly peeing in his pants. Chrome clutched tightly onto her bag as nervousness overwhelmed her.

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