17. Seeing Each Other Again: Part 2

Start from the beginning

He rubbed the back of his head & smirked slightly. "Would it be bad if I did?"

Was he serious? She began giggling & he started to look worried. "What do you think?"

He was caught off guard not knowing what to say back. His shoulders slouched a lil and he began to stammer on his words.
"Uh... well I... well... um-y'know..."

She couldn't help but laugh at his obvious stuttering. Finding it adorable that her ocean eyes was still a lil shy cornball or at least just with her he was, that is.

She walked outta the bathroom, going straight to the kitchen, evading the fridge & cabinets to see if there was anything to eat as she was still hungry.

No way she was spending anything on takeout, she needed to save money as much as she could rn.

He followed her like some lost dog.

And she found some food to cook.

He was so busy with watching her that he didn't even tell her the food was Choji's.

She began cooking 6 scrambled eggs, 8 pieces of bacon, & 4 pieces of sausages.

Hinata could really chow down when she wanted to but she wasn't gonna eat the whole thing.

She cleaned her mess as she went on and Naruto's mouth watered.

"This smells good."
He murmured under his breath.

That caused her to blush again.
"Would you like some?"
"Do you smell something?"
Choji sniffed, inhaling deeply through his nose.

Shikamaru began to sniff also.
"Smells like somebody's cooking."

Choji began laughing.
"None of us can cook for shit but I'm pretty hungry so I'll go see who's the one doing it."

They both walked out of the room to be greeted by the rest of the roomies. (SasuLeeKibaSuigJug)

Lee and Kiba damn near pushed everyone else outta the way to get downstairs.

"There's no way that dobe is cooking. He can't even make a decent bowl of noodles."
Sasuke uttered loudly.

The boys went down into the kitchen to see Hinata eating off a plate as well as Naruto.

Choji instantly picked up Hinata spinning her around while hugging her. "Hinata!! I've missed you!" She squealed & hugged him back.

This made Naruto hostile and he sent him daggers.

Kiba began pouting.
"Did you make any for us Hina?"

She giggled at his pouting lips.
"It's some more in the microwave."

That's all they needed to hear!

They ravaged the door open & began to eat their hearts away. But they ate like animals picking the food up with their bare hands.

It didn't take that long to finish because it wasn't that much for a full meal.

"Hey Hinata, do you wanna cook for me?" Sasuke straightforwardly asked her.

But Naruto answered for her.
"She only cooks for me."
He snapped him a stern look.

This caused Kiba to snap back at him. "Actually she only cooks for us!" He pointed to himself & Lee.

His tone was sharp & rude.

Naruto leered his eyes at him but soon turned them back once he felt his plate being pulled away.

Of course!! It was Choji!

His eyes went wide and then he began to whimper in defeat. "Chojiii! I didn't get a chance to taste anything." He folded his arms like a kid.

"Well." He started as he had his mouth full chewing loudly. "It is my food."

Hinata felt bad that he didn't get a chance to try it so she slid her plate over to him, even tho she was still hungry & only had 1 piece of bacon. "Here you go."

His heart ached when she did that. She genuinely smiled at him.

He smiled back & picked up a fork to taste the eggs but the plate got pulled away, once again.

"Thanks!" Choji said to her before he began stuffing his mouth again.

Naruto growled at him.

"I can make something else." Hinata calmly stated to him.

"Why is she still here?"
Jugo asked confusingly.

Lee turned to him.
"Shut your fucking mouth!"

They both began to argue until Naruto yelled at them all. "Why are you fuckers down here?!?"
They all went quiet looking at him like he done lost his damn mind! The glares continued until they heard a knock at the door.

Suigetsu answered & it was a damn bad time.

Some blonde with huge tits came walking in going straight to Naruto.

"Hey Spike you ready for me?"
She was a very bubbly girl.

Hinata caught the girl's eye as she bit her lip and looked as if she wanted her all to herself.

"Will she be joining us?"
She asked Naruto softly running her fingers through Hinata's hair.

But this did nothing but piss her off! So he did fuck randoms in his spare time! UGH.

She smacked her arm causing the girl to hand to fall from her hair. Shooting Naruto a hateful glare before going to the couch.

Naruto slapped his forehead in frustration cursing at himself under his breath.

"I guess that's a no." She said shrugging her shoulders and then looking at the rest of the boys.

"What about you guys?"
They shared glances w/one another before they headed upstairs except Naruto.

He had to explain something to her somehow. "Hina I-"

"Fuck off!"
She dismissed him.

"Well fine then!"
He began walking up the stairs step by step saying one last thing so she could hear him.
"I'm gonna have some real fun!"

Hinata lost her appetite, her mouth went dry, her heart dropped, and her eyes watered.

Why did she have to care so much? Did he even understand how deep her love ran for him?

She received a text msg from Lee telling her he'll check on her when they're done with, well y'know...

A sigh left her breath and she began curling up in the blanket and pillow that Naruto set out for her.

Crying herself to sleep.

Once I Saw You Again (NaruHina Romance) Where stories live. Discover now