This time, however, rather than even the suggestion of inviting him in, she told him she'd be right back as she put her diary up. He waited and Jenna heard as Elena made her way up the stairs and then back down again. By this point, her hot chocolate was down and she held it closely to her chest absorbing its heat.

Before she returned to Stefan, she popped her head into the kitchen. "I'm going to the Grill to meet up with Bonnie. Is that okay?"

Jenna gave her a sweet smile and a nod. "Yes, but be careful. And we'll be talking about that young man on our front doorstep later." She teased lightly.

Elena rolled her eyes fondly, waving her hand backwards as she walked away. "Bye Aunt Jenna! Love you!"

Jenna felt warmth envelope her as she grinned. "Love you too, Elena!" She shouted back.

She heard the front door close behind her niece and knew she'd be gone soon. Also that she'd be taking Stefan to the Grill with her where they'd meet up with the rest of her friends.

Jenna gave a tired sigh, running her hand through her hair. It was starting, and she wasn't entirely sure she was ready. Maybe I should think about getting some protection charms, she mused to herself on her way to her bedroom. She was sure there had to be an actual witch selling them somewhere nearby. If not, I could always ask Shelia. She thought.

It would most likely bring her knowledge of the supernatural to the woman's attention, but it wasn't as if the old lady would harm her because of it. She wasn't one herself; neither a witch or werewolf or vampire, though she slightly wished she was—if only to protect herself and her niece and nephew.

Jenna thought on the idea further as she entered her room and headed straight for the painting materials and a blank canvas she'd sat up in the corner. It certainly wasn't a bad idea. They could use all the help they could get, actually.

She didn't notice the slight flickering of the candle on her bedside table as she began to paint away her worries. Mind easing at the normal, relaxing movements she greatly enjoyed.


The next morning, Elena met Jenna early in the kitchen before school.

Jenna was in the process of making scrambled eggs, pushing them around with a spatula as she added in some salt, pepper, and cheese. A plate full of bacon and sausage sat nearby, still steaming, along with another that held biscuits.

Elena looked surprised at the spread, but gave a grin as she snuck a piece of bacon. "Good morning, Aunt Jenna."

Jenna returned her greeting, still pushing the scrambled eggs around and flipping them at intervals so they didn't burn or stick to the pan. "Good morning."

"I'm surprised to see you cooking—last time you tried you managed to burn noodles. I didn't even know that was possible before then." Elena said laughingly as she leaned back against the counter beside Jenna, watching her cook.

Jenna rolled her eyes. "Yes, well, being a student doesn't exactly pay. I had to live for a while off of my grant money and that from my last job. That meant I wasn't able to eat out much and had to make do on my own. I learned very quickly after that with the help of a friend."

She wasn't even lying; her parents had always cooked, shooing away her offer to help and making it so that she never really learned to cook. She often went out to eat later or filched from her older sister, who hadn't taken no as an answer from their parents and helped them cook anyways.

It was only when she started college, too far from her parents and sister, that she'd had to learn on her own. With the help of Google and YouTube, of course.

Still, it wasn't like either of the two were all that popular at this moment in time. They existed, yes, but weren't as.. full of information as they had been in her time. She instead substituted the two for a friend, sure Elena wouldn't question it.

As expected, the girl just nodded. "Well, that's good. Now me and Jer can actually eat what you make without getting food poisoning." She teased with a grin as she took a bite of the bacon she'd grabbed, humming in appreciation at the taste.

Jenna laughed as she turned the stove off. She then began making herself a plate and gestured for Elena to do the same afterwards. As her niece moved to do so, Jenna grabbed a pitcher of orange juice from the fridge—also containing vervain—and sat it on the table along with the strawberry and grape jam for the biscuits.

"Jeremy! Breakfast is ready!" She called as she sat down at the table and poured herself a cup. She then split apart her biscuit and began to add strawberry jam on either side. "So," she said as Elena sat beside her, "Stefan, is it?"

Her attention remained on her food, but she could practically feel the girl's eye roll. Her tone was exasperated as she replied. "Yes, Aunt Jenna. And he's just a friend. I'm not sure I'm ready for a relationship yet so soon after everything. With mom and dad and Matt, too."

At the mention of her sister and brother-in-law, Jenna acquiesced to the girl's words with a nod. "Well, you can always tell me if that changes. I just want the best for you, beautiful girl."

Elena smiled at her sweetly, eyes shining bright, though no tears fell. "Thank you," she said.

Jenna nodded once more as Jeremy finally made his appearance, still half asleep and clothes all wrinkled. He rubbed at his eyes, yawning. When he opened them, he was as shocked as his sister at the food before them.

"Aunt Jenna, when did you learn to cook?!" He voiced loudly in disbelief.

Jenna's following eye roll was very fond. She found herself truly loving these kids and their personalities. At least when they weren't so stressed and anxious as they would be in the future.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2023 ⏰

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