Matt was leaning against the wall talking to a girl
My heart dropped and I don't know why

I felt someone behind me.
I turned around and it was a random guy
He grabbed my hips and started grinding against me
I tried to pull out of his grip

"Dude what the fuck" Corbin shoved him
I backed away from Corbin
The guy shoved him back
"Don't touch me man" the guy yells
Everyone was looking
I felt a arm around my waist and someone's body behind me.
"Get your hands off my girl man" Matt said with his grip tight on me.
Ella looks at me with wide eyes
"If it's your girl then why was she alone" the guy said "I left her with my brother and his girl. Don't mean you can touch her" Matt said
The guy went for Matt and jumped a little. Matt's grip got tighter.
Corey and Brandon grabbed the other guy and Elton stepped in front of us
"Matt it's ok" Elton says Matt let go of me and i immediately felt unsafe.
"Y'all get out of here" Elton says
"You too Corbin and Ella" he adds

I started to walk for the door when some girl pushed me "you were flirting with my man" she says pissed
"No the fuck you didnt" Ella goes after her but Corbin picks Ella up and they walk out of the party
"I didn't want your man. He was all on me. Plus I have a man" I say with Matt behind me lieing obviously
She shoved me again and this time I went after her.
Matt picked me up and carried me out the party.
"This is why we don't go out places" Ella says as Matt and I reach the car
She was leaning against the car with Corbin in front of her

We all got in the car and didn't really speak about what happend


We all go to my house.

I go into my room and change into shorts and a oversized tshirt

Ella and Corbin were in the kitchen
My phone rang
Ella answered it
"Y/n m/n l/n" she yells for my attention
"Ella Elaine Morgan" I yell her full name back at her
"Your middle names Elaine?" Corbin ask
She shushes him
She hands me the phone
"Hello?" "Y/n. Baby" it was micheal. I hungup immediately.
"That's the second time he called me. I blocked him" I say
Matt looks at me "was that your ex?" He ask I nod his face kinda drops
"I blocked him." I say looking at them "must've got another number" Corbin says "psycho" Ella says

"I think we're gonna go to my house" Corbin says "alright kids have fun" Matt laughs at them

They walked out the door

I look at Matt
"Wanna go to my house?" He ask I give him a weird look "we can get Chinese food and watch movies in warm blanket" he says
I smile "you know the way to my heart" I laugh a little
I go into my room and grab another set of clothes and put them in my bag
I put my backpack on my back and slip on my shoes

We leave my house and go get food and go to Matt's

I basically ran to the door because I was freezing. It'll get cold at night. It's the beginning of September and it's getting cold which is weird for California

Matt unlocks the door and we go in and to the kitchen we get all the food out
I sit on the couch with our food on the coffee table
Matt walks away and comes back with blankets
He threw them at me and laughed

Matt sat beside and turned on a movie.
We ate and enjoyed the movie talking every once in a while.
Getting close with Matt feels nice. Haven't been close to a guy except Elton for a little while.
His beautiful smile and life and his Gorgeous eyes I could look into for days.
After eating I covered up and leaned against Matt
We shared the blanket
It was late now and we were laying in Matt's bed.

We were facing each other
"When's the last time you dated someone?" Matt ask "it's been almost 5 months now. You?" I say he nods his head "my last relationship was about 2 year ago" "wow how has a guy like you not have girls swooning over him" "they are. Just none of them work out. I've went on dates and they never go anywhere after that. They all expect to fuck I think" he says "aww I'm sorry" I say feeling kind of bad for saying what I said
"Why don't you have you someone. Your beautiful. Smart. A great friend. And you have a amazing personality and also a beautiful smile and laugh. Oh and don't get me started on your eyes" he smiles and "Matt" I laugh "what? I'm speaking the truth" he says seriously.
"What the deal breaker when you meet a girl?" "When she looks miserable all the time and don't laugh at my jokes" he says "so you'd date someone with a kid?" I ask just wondering
"I mean yea if the girl is wanting to share that with me and trust me enough. But it has to be serious of course I don't wanna walk into a kids life just be to kicked out" "so you wouldn't leave someone because they had a kid?" He looks at me funny "no? Why are you asking me this y/n" "I was just wondering. A friend of mine is in that situation and I told her it's up to her if she wants to go for it and take the risk" I lie. "I mean yea. But it'll show you if a guys mature or not to step into that position" he says I nod
"Anything else on your mind?" He ask I shake my head no

We layed there longer I face the opposite way of Matt and layed there.
I couldn't sleep and I think Matt already was

I tossed and turned and still couldn't sleep.
There was to much on my mind.

"Are you ok?" Matt ask sleepily
"Yea I'm ok" "no your not what's wrong" he says
I turn over to face him
"I'm scared." "Scared of what?"


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