Sam: What was that for?

Sandro: This may sting, Love. Just yell if you can't handle the pain, ok?

He carefully held my foot and poured the vinegar on the swollen area.

Sam: A-aaahhh!!!!

Sandro: Sorry, Love. Promise this would help. Mawawala din yan mamaya. Do you feel sick?

Sam: N-no, not really. I'm hungry.

Sandro: What do you want to eat?

Sam: Ramen, Love.

Sandro: Love, wala nun dito.

Sam: I'm craving for Ramen. Uhmm. Come closer.

Sandro: Why?

He leaned closer to me and I pinch his two cheeks.

Sam: Why so cute, Sandro.

Sandro: A-aw! It hurts.

Sam: Oh, s-sorry. Can you cook anything for me? Wag kang oorder please.

Sandro: Sure, just stay here ok? Tell me if you need anything.

Sam: Alright. Wait! I change my mind.

Sandro: H-huh?

Sam: Carry me again on your back. I want to see you while cooking.

Sandro: Ok, sure. Careful, Love.

Sam: Uhmm. Do we have some brocollis?

He guided me to sit on the stool bar.

Sandro: I'll check.

Sam: I want some brocolli with mushroom then garlic shrimp.

Sandro: Copy, Love. Anything else?

Sam: Actually, can I have some bread?

Sandro: Are you going to eat that much?

Sam: Yeah, why?

Sandro: N-nothing.

Sam: Sandro, I want some cream cheese.

Sandro: I'll go get you some kung meron then I have to buy shrimps din.

Sam: I want the big one huh? Please? Sandroooo.

Sandro: Why do you keep on calling my name?!

Sam: Why not? I like your name. Sandrooo. Sandwooo.

He gave me an "are you serious look" but I just smiled at him.

Sandro: Stay here ok? Do you want me to put you in bed?

Sam: No, no. I'll stay here. Go na and please go back ASAP, ok?

Sandro: Yes, Love.

He gave me a kiss on my forehead before he left. Hmm. What should I do now?


Damn it! Samantha gets weird. She keeps on calling my name. I want to get mad at her and be irritated but I can't. She's being so clingy and I'm enjoying it.

I've been roaming around to look for the cream cheese that she asked for. Maybe there are some in the hotel. I grabbed my phone from my pocket and about to dial the reception's number. But to my surprise it rang and one of the PSG is calling me. I suddenly felt nervous.

*On the phone

Sandro: Hello, is there something going on? How's Samantha? Did De la Vega came back?

I heard someone giggled on the other line. Sounds like a woman.

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