Chapter 1: Introduction

Start from the beginning

"Then let's drink together. So you won't at least look lonely and be called an alcoholic." She heard the person say that with a chuckle.

Aria finally decided to face the person near her, who seemed to have moved right next to her during their conversation.

"Good evening, Aria-san!" Yuri Briar warmly smiled at her, however she felt as if he had other intentions too.

"Did the chief send you here?" She asked right off the bat.

"You're sharp, straight to the point like always, huh?" He retorted back, teasingly.

"You're not the one to talk, Yuri-san." She said and smiled flirtatiously. "I still remember you trying to boss me around that time when we were against those WISE agents. No matter how you look at it, I am still your senior, boy." She said and booped his nose at the end with a seductive and an arrogant at the same time smile.

"So how should I refer to you then? Desmond-san?" He said and came closer to her.

"Wrong, little boy." She said, grabbing his tie and pulling him closer to her neck, whispering softly in his ear. "It's Aria-sama to you." her bone chilling low voice echoed in Yuri's head.

"A-aria s-sama, let's start drinking." He said with slight blush on his cheeks, trying out the new name himself. 

"Mine isn't here yet." She said and chuckled at the boy's sudden timidity, leaning her head onto the palm of her hand now, watching his every move like a hawk.

Some moments after, the barista came with the order of the lady. At that point she just wanted to get wasted, she drank everything in one go, shocking Yuri a little bit. She ate the shrimp she ordered and started up another conversation with Yuri.

"So, what about the work? What was assigned?" Aria got straight to the point, which did not really surprise Yuri. Every time they worked together, she showed herself as a capable comrade.

"Twilight has been rumoured to be spotted in Ostania and the amount of spies within have increased overall. Westalian Foreign Minister Brantz will be visiting soon and if the situation calls for it we have to intervene and investigate the issue." the man's head rested on his palm, while he looked bored.

"So, do the higher ups want me to put a bullet in his head too? The woman asked curiously. "I already executed the one before as per their orders, but aren't they going too far? There might be a full-blown war, if this keeps happening..." the girl looked up at the ceiling, trying to come up with anything in order to understand the intentions of their government. "I don't find the war beneficial for us. The economy will crumble and the population will stagger. This is an unfavorable position for us, as much as it is for the West." she unknowingly started her usual habit of biting her lips.

"It doesn't matter if it's beneficial or not, just execute your job properly. You and I will work together from now on. I've been assigned to you for a some time." Aria looked at the man with a sudden suspicion.

"Why though? I work alone, I don't need a partner. Besides my job consists of executing and silencing people for good. You don't even seem like someone who has killed anyone. I will contact the authorities and have a talk with them. There is no need for you to stain your hands with blood." the woman retorted and drank the beverage in front of her.

"They clearly had a plan. Though I haven't killed anyone yet, but I am quite good at interrogation and many other things, like managing, so don't be too quick to judge. As for the blood being spilt, I don't mind it. As long as I can be of help to protect the country my Onee-san lives in." Yuri said with a smile and a small blush on his cheeks.

"She's lucky to have someone like you to care for her so much." Aria said and smiled sweetly at the boy in front of her.
To Aria, he usually looked like a boy, but her instincts told her not to underestimate him. He may look like a cute boy, but she sawhim in action once and he wasn't half bad. Yuri was definitely a sturdy guy, who could take multiple heavy handed hits and still be able to move swiftly and finish his opponent off.

"No, I am lucky to have her. She's such a good person. She always took care of me when I was little. I want to repay her and gives her the best things in her life." He  genuinely whispered with a soft smile plastered across his face. Aria found it endearing.

"That reminds me... My little brother will be enrolling into the Eden College. I hope that I will be able to see his entrance ceremony..." She said with a sadness dripping down her words.

"I forgot, but aren't you a Desmond too? Does that mean that you are the younger sister of Demetrius Desmond?"

"Well, in a way. My father was a Desmond, my uncle happened to take me under his wing before I came of age." She said.

"Does that mean that you attended the same college then?" Yuri got a little curious about his colleague.

"I did and graduated a little earlier than Demetrius. Since I showed more potential of becoming a heiress, he wanted to get rid of me, but couldn't do so, because I gave my succession rights up. I'm not interested in politics. All I want is money." She muttered to herself and suddenly got the urge to smoke again. Aria got a little agitated and nervous, but held on strong. She wasn't going to go back to her terrible habits. She had to live a long life and enjoy the fruits of her hard work, otherwise, everything she has done up until this point was utterly useless.

"Isn't your personal life a classified information? No matter where I looked and asked no one seems to know anything about you." Yuri's attention was fully on her.

"So I see that you were interested eniugh to do some digging..." she smirked at the man, instantly making him flustered. "It is, but I kind of wanted to tell you that cause it just felt right at the moment.
Besides, no one really knows anything about me, except for me being a Desmond. You seem like a trustworthy person, so I believe in my excellent skills of judging someone's character accurately." She said and gave him a warm smile afterwards.

"Nonetheless, we are partners now. The one I was partnered up with died three weeks ago, so it kind of felt lonely too. Let's get along, Yuri-kun." She said with a bright smile and gave him a small bow, which made Yuri blush a little.

"Take care of me then, Aria-sama." He said with a cheeky smile and a deeper bow of respect.

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐓 (𝐒𝐩𝐲 𝐱 𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲: 𝐘𝐮𝐫𝐢 𝐁𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐫 𝐱 𝐎𝐂)Where stories live. Discover now