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„We have to talk about our next steps." Anthony Bridgerton is the first one to break the silence.
„What steps are you talking about?", Benedict hisses. His wife is carrying someone else's child. There is no plan, no tactic that could save them from a scandal.
„We still don't know for sure, if he's telling the truth", Colin reminds them.

„It doesn't matter whether she is with child right now or not", Benedict declares, „it's the fact that it's possible that's going to matter for everyone. She has been unfaithful."
„She has been kidnapped, Ben", Anthony reminds him.
„By someone who hadn't had any problems with forcing himself on her in the past already", Colin adds.
Benedict realizes that he has been so naïve. Of course she had been sleeping with him all the time. How could he forget about that part?

„It's not betraying if the person is being forced - at least in my opinion."
„No one cares for your opinion, Anthony!"
„Come on Benedict, don't act like that. It's not like you didn't have women to keep you company in the past five years."
Benedict looks at him shortly, than lowers his gaze. The moment lasts only for half a second and yet Colin understands. „Oh my - you have not?... For five years?"
„That explains his anger and frustration", Anthony lets out something that sounds like the beginning of a chuckle, but he quickly composes himself, as he remembers the seriousness of the current situation.

„She was kidnapped, Benedict. It still doesn't matter."
„How would you react, if it was Kate?"
Anthony doesn't answer immediately. „I don't know", he finally admits.
„Well, I do now", Colin declares, „if this happened to Penelope someday - God forbid - I would not care. I'd accept her like she is and even look after the child, if I have to. I love her too much to let anything or anyone ruin our relationship."
„We don't even know for sure, if she was abducted. As far as I know, she could have left with him willingly."
„That's ridiculous, Benedict."

„Is it?", Benedict exclaims, „you two can easily forgive your wives, if anything like this ever happened to them and I can see why: because you can truly, full-heartedly believe in their love for you. Sofia has never claimed to really love me. She always put the farmer's boy first - she even mentioned it in her goodbye-letter. What reason do I have to believe that she would not betray me?"
„Let's ask her then", Colin decides, already storming outside the room, but Anthony calls him back. „Wait!"

And before Benedict can even blink, Anthony's fist is hurling him on the ground. He can taste blood. Benedict is too dizzy to stand up immediately, but Anthony continues to hit him nevertheless.
„What-the-fuck-are-you-doing?!", Colin interferes immediately, pulling Anthony away from Benedict, who finally manages to at least look into his brother's direction.
„I know some other businesses have come between, but I have not forgotten what happened yesterday. If you ever even think of hurting her - or any other woman! - again, I swear to father's grave, Benedict, I will sent you away into exile. I will sent you to a country you haven't even heard of, with no money to return, making sure that you never see your wife or daughter again. Bridgertons don't hit their wives. Ever!"

„Oh, that was the punch for? Let me hit him, too!"
„Colin - no!"
„You're never letting me have fun", Colin pouts, helping Benedict to stand up.
„Even if she is with someone else's child? Even then you'd choose her over your brother?"
Anthony is not even hesitating before simply stating „yes."

„Go and get Sofia", Benedict instructs his younger brother. He has never felt more alone his entire life. He realizes that it doesn't matter what Sofia is going to tell them. His whole family would rather sacrifice him than her. If Benedict wants to stay here, with his daughter, he has to play the game according to Anthony's rules.
The Viscount, however, is solely worried on his brother's swelling upper lip. „Here", he says, trying to clean the blood from his brother's lips and chin, but Benedict dodges away from his hand.
„Ben...", Anthony starts, but Benedict shoots him a glance that clarifies that nothing has to be said right now. So Anthony only hands his younger brother a handkerchief and they wait for Colin and Sofia to enter the room.

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