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„Have you spent the whole night here again?"
Benedict Bridgerton does not have to turn around to realize that his elder Brother, Anthony, has apparently entered his painting room.
„Well, an original Benedict Bridgerton masterpiece, as the queen herself calls them, is not going to appear on the frame itself, you know. My hands have to be working for that."
For 32 years of his life, Benedict could have never believed that he would make it as an artist, but now, at age 37, he is one of the most successful painters in the country. Apparently it's not love that should be considered a man's best muse, it's actually heartache.

„You can't continue to live your life like this, Ben", Anthony states unhappily, while simultaneously helping his brother to clean up the mess he created.
„Why not? I am successful, I make a lot of money - money, that I am adding directly into the family fortune", Benedict answers.
„Only because you don't have a family on your own."
Anthony realizes that he said something very inappropriate, as soon as the words escape his mouth. Benedict, who is standing with his back towards his brother and continuing to pick up brushes from the floor, seems to be unaffected by his elder brother's words, but Anthony knows him well enough to see that his hands start shaking and to hear the sadness in his voice, when Benedict is finally answering: „I do have a family. I even have a child somewhere in this world."

That's even true. Benedict could never file for divorce, hence he didn't know where his wife lives and Sofia was extremely pregnant by the time of her disappearance, so it's Benedict's right to assume that he has a five years old daughter or a five years old son... and yet, he is alone. Yet, he has no none to share all of his money, his success, his sudden fame with. Violet Bridgerton tried - oh she tried so hard - to find a new wife for her broken son, but Benedict refused to even meet any of these girls, always pointing out that he is still married.

„Let's go and have breakfast" This is not Anthony's best attempt to lighten up the mood, but Benedict would take any opportunity to avoid talking about his failed marriage.
„I'm surprised that mother didn't come to get me herself."
Anthony laughs, resting his hand on his brother's back, forcing him to walk out of the room. „She wanted to, but I happen to be faster than her. She might decide to still come over though, if we take longer than she is willing to wait for us."
„I don't understand why she's doing this. I have never not accepted to come over and eat."
„Well...", this time Anthony tries to choose his words wisely, „yes you never turn anyone of us down, but you also only come when we're directly inviting you. We could ignore you for a few days and you'd probably just sit here and forget to eat and drink."
Anthony is not entirely wrong, but Benedict doesn't bother to tell him that.

———— later that day ————

"Atlas, that one actually hurt!" Benedict loves to play with his nieces and nephews, but sometimes the little ones seem to forget that their uncle Ben is actually not as young and flexible as their uncle Gregory. So when Atlas, Colin's eldest boy, unexpectedly jumped at his uncle's back, in order to let him be his horse, Benedict just collapsed on the floor instead of starting to jump around.

„Leave your uncle alone. Atlas", Penelope intervenes. She is carrying her little daughter, Isabella, in her arms. The little girl just turned seven months old. The family was really happy, when Pen and Colin announced their second pregnancy - after having only Atlas for five years. It's not really common in England to wait so long for the second child and the Ton was already gossiping.
„It's okay", Benedict says, trying to hide the fact that he can't stand up on his own. Obviously the family does realize what's going on and Gregory comes to his elder brother's help, with a smirk on his face that underlines his irresistible Bridgerton-Charme.
„Hey, you will be in my age one day, too", Benedict reminds him.
„Yeah.. in like 50 years."

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