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Benedict can feel every vein in his body freezing as he hears the voice, coming from left. He doesn't need to look into this direction. His daughter's little body appears in his sight. Ayla kneels down to look at her mother, whom the shock and the intensity of the slap actually knocked down to the floor. Sofia tries to calm down her daughter, but Moonflower is furious.
„How dare you?", she shouts at Benedict (from whom, as one might notice, she actually got the temper), „We came here to be safe and not be hurt... I-I HATE YOU!"

„Shhhhh", Sofia says, holding her daughter's chin, forcing her to look at her, „it's okay. He... he didn't mean to do that. We don't hate him."
Benedict blinks for a few seconds, trying to understand what just happened. Did she really just defend me? he thinks, but then... it should not be big of a surprise. Sofia has always been very forgiving.

„Benedict Bridgerton!"
Violet Bridgerton has clearly never been more furious in her whole life.
Benedict visibly winces. Of course, they all came together. Simon went to Hastings house to get them all, which means that everyone saw what he did. He looks at his mother, who is all red. „Out!", Violet demands.

„Pardon?", Benedict asks.
„I did not raise a son who physically hurts a woman. If you feel comfortable doing so, you're apparently not my son. And today is meant to be a celebration with family only. OUT!"
Before Benedict can react, Simon and Gregory have already ushered forward and grabbed him by his arms. While Benedict is strong enough to free himself from one of them, he is definitely not good enough to fight against both men, so they manage to drag him outside. He can hear that Thunderbird tried to convince his mother (and Kate and Penelope) that it was nothing and that Benedict should be allowed to eat with them, but he doesn't need to hear their answers to know that she's not going to be successful. If Violent Bridgerton has decided about something, no one can make up her mind.

Outside Simon and Gregory let loose of Benedict so abruptly that the Bridgerton almost falls to the ground.
„Have you lost your mind?", Gregory hisses.
„You know that you ultimately messed up, if you're 14 years younger brother tries to talk some sense into you", Benedict mumbles.
„You should be glad that it's us who saw this and not Colin", Simon intervenes.
„Or Anthony", Gregory adds.
Then, he and Simon share a quick glance, before turning back to Benedict and simultaneously saying: „or both."

„Ha ha ha", Benedict grimaces.
„No seriously, I think you should go home so that we can pretend like you stormed somewhere else and that they can't find you and shouldn't even try to seek after you", Gregory responds.
Benedict is too dizzy to really fight or say anything, he just turns around and walks towards his house.
„We're going to sent you some food!", Simon shouts after him, but Benedict does not react.

———— In the evening ————

Benedict sits in his drawing room, looking at a blank canvas, waiting for any kind of inspiration, when there's a knock on his door.
„Come in", he almost whispers, secretly hoping that the person won't hear him, but the door to his room is still being opened.
It's Thunderbird.

Benedict suddenly finds himself on his feet, ushering towards Sofia who is just about to close the door behind herself.
„What are you doing here?", Benedict hisses, making sure to leave enough space between them so that he can resist doing anything he'll surely regret later, „how dare you to return to this house uninvited? To walk in these halls like this place still belonged to you? How dare you to even look into my face after what you have done?"

Sofia's face remains totally neutral, as she says: „I brought Ayla. She's waiting in the dining room to have dinner with you and stay the night at your home, if you don't have any other plans, of course."
Benedict blinks a few times, trying to absorb what she just said. „Why?", he finally manages to get out.
„Because", Thunderbird informs him, „I am not going to ruin your very first night with our daughter. I have stolen enough first times with her from you - and I am aware that you have every right to be angry with me - but today is about your reconciliation and nothing else."

Moonflower - B. Bridgerton Where stories live. Discover now