"He used to teach me at my old school." She told the Headmaster, glaring up at him. "Now, if you excuse me, I have a class to attend." She informed him, hoisting her bag on her shoulder and barging past him, down the corridor. The headmaster watched her go, an amused smile on his lips. She was one to watch, he thought. 


After the school day had ended, the group of The Doctor, Raelle, Rose and Mickey assembled outside the school, looking up at it, all lights off in the dark. "Oh, it's weird seeing school at night. It just feels wrong. When I was a kid, I used to think all the teachers slept in school." Rose told the group. Raelle looked to her sister, an amused smile on her face at Rose's theory. 

"All right, team." He paused. "Oh, I hate people who say team. Er, gang. Er, comrades." Raelle cringed, eyeing the Doctor to stop. He got the hint. "Anyway, Rose, go to the kitchen. Get a sample of that oil. Mickey, the new staff are all Maths teachers. Go and check out the Maths department. Raelle and I are going to look in Finch's office. Be back here in ten minutes." He ordered them. He grabs Raelle's hand, leading them up the stairs to Finch's office. Raelle had told the Doctor about her encounter with Finch earlier, The Doctor not liking Finch addressing Elle. He was going to stick to her side like glue, not wanting her to get hurt, protective. 

Instead of heading to Finch's office, The Doctor led Raelle over to the storeroom. The Doctor had explained his encounter with Sarah Jane Smith, a former companion. He had told her countless stories of their adventures at times they had sat in the console rooming chatting. He parked the TARDIS in the storeroom, a gut feeling that Sarah Jane would discover the TARDIS. Raelle found it quite cute, if she was being honest. They enter the storeroom quietly, seeing Sarah Jane look at the TARDIS in disbelief. 

"Hello, Sarah Jane." 

Sarah Jane turned around, wide eyed in shock, her eyes slightly watering. "It's you. Oh, Doctor Oh, my God, it's you, isn't it. You've regenerated." She sighed in disbelief. 

"Yeah. Half a dozen times since we last met." He smiled at the woman. 

Sarah Jane made her way over to him, looking him up and down. "You look incredible."
"So do you." 

"Huh. I got old." She huffed, looking over to Raelle. "Hello" She smiled at the girl. "I'm Sarah Jane. You are?"

"Raelle" She told the woman. To the surprise to the woman, Raelle pulled the woman into a hug. "Heard so much about you" She told the woman. The woman smiled, tightening the hug. 

"It's nice to meet you." Sarah Jane broke away, a big smile on her face to the girl. "What are you doing here?" She asked the pair. 

"Well, UFO sighting, school gets record results. I couldn't resist." The Doctor laughed. "What about you?"

"The same." She laughed with him, guilty look on her face. "I thought you'd died. I waited for you and you didn't come back, and I thought you must have died." She told him, a sad smile appearing on her face. 

The Doctor shuffled. "I lived. Everyone else died."

"What do you mean?" 

"Everyone died, Sarah." He told her in a serious tone. Raelle took the Doctor's hand, squeezing it. He had told her the sacrifice he had to make to end the Time War, wiping out the rest of the Time Lords and Gallifrey. The guilt still ate away at him. He squeezed his hand back in appreciation. 

"I can't believe it's you." Sarah Jane stated, eyeing the pair holding hands. At that moment, Mickey screams filled the school, Raelle looked to the Doctor worried. "Okay, now I can!" Sarah Jane corrected, as the group ran out of the storeroom to the direction of the screams, bumping into Rose. 

"Did you hear that?" She told the Doctor and Raelle, worried. She spotted Sarah Jane on the other side of the Doctor, eyeing her. "Who's she?"

"Rose, Sarah Jane. Sarah Jane, Rose." The Doctor introduced the pair.

"Hi. Nice to meet you." Sarah Jane told Rose. She turned to the Doctor, grinning. "You can tell you're getting older. Your assistants are getting younger." Raelle laughed in response. It was true. 

"I'm not his assistant." Rose glared at Sarah Jane. Oh god, Raelle thought, here we go. 

"No?" Sarah Jane smirked. "Get you, tiger." She winked to the Doctor, running down the stairs. Rose ran after her, continuously glaring at the woman. The Doctor looked down at Raelle, who laughed at her sister running after Sarah Jane. 

"She's going to be a nightmare." She warned the Doctor. He laughed. "The Jackie Tyler attitude is coming" 

"Going to be an eventful evening then." The Doctor grinned, leading Raelle down the stairs by her hand, as they ran after the pair. 

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