"Ah," Mikasa got up, " Don't you have anything else to do?"

At the sudden change of attitude, Eren was at a loss of words. "Yes?"

"As the king, you should be working with your people, the problem of the blood tree is still unsolved. Do you plan to make the Mother Queen do all that work for you?" Eren was startled so he got up, he fix his dishelved hair.

" Sorry,"

" What for?" She ask coldly. She felt upset. " You don't have to be sorry of anything, if anything I should be the one saying sorry to you."

" No, I'm the one who kissed you without permission."

"...it wasn't unwelcomed." She whispered. " I gladly accepted that kiss, Eren so you don't have to feel bad. Infact, I love that feeling. The feeling of your lips close to mine."

At this vulgar confession, Eren's face brightens. " It makes my heart go pitter-patter."

"Mikasa.." he sofly called her name.

"In fact, I felt the happiest when I'm around you and also I think I had... I feel like, it's not because of the past me-rather it was the present me who feels this way.."
she continues, she look over at him, watching his reaction. "Eren, I love you!"

Eren's eyes became swollen all of a sudden and Mikasa could only pat her back and hug him. "You don't know how happy I am right now!" Eren voiced out his feelings, " I feel like... it's fulfilled again just like before, it's abundant. ."

Mikasa smiled at that and she kissed Eren again, this time with so much fervor and fashion, so intense that it burns their skins. A much needed kiss, heated them up even more and soon enough they began undressing each other. Both their heart raises with anticipation and nervousness, because it's been so long since they've done something like this- for Eren five hundred years ago and for Mikasa, four years ago.

It wasn't a secret that this both wasn't their first time as their movements is different from someone who had done this for the first time ,they know. His green eyes look at her dark ones, as his hands expertly move to cup her mounds - it's hot to the touch and Eren began working his wonder. Pressing a hand over her breasts, at the touch she felt her breath hitched a little followed by her pounding heart. His fangs glistened as the moonlight reflect on it, his eyes tenderly look down at her red face, happiness reflected on his solemn green eyes.
His large hand interwined with her own and another kiss on the forehead made her shiver.

"I've dreamed of this, " he whispered to her ears as his fingers circulate on her nipples," You, this close to me."

Mikasa nodded at him, " ..me too," she confested, " ever since I was fifteen. I've dreamed of something like this,I.."

He didn't let her finish what she was saying, a sound of fierce lips fighting each other echoed in their ears. Kissing her is like sunrise, touching her is like fever and being like this with her is like being close to fire , no being inside an intoxicating aroma, yet he couldn't get rid of it. An addiction that he was more than willing to be in, after all, she is his comfort. That night is full of passion.


The blood tree is still producing blood, although weaker this time, Eren seemed to have find a way to control the vampires from being greedy of it's content , a vampire's instinct is hard to suppressed and once they had set their minds to a goal, it's even harder to convince them.

Mikasa smiled upon looking at those vampires who seemed to have work harmoniously. Mikasa continue on her way to Eren's room. She had a request to ask on Eren and also to ask what their relationship is, they couldn't just stay friends after what had happened, now the garantee of her being Eren's wife isn't really something she could hold on to, because she is different now, even if the soul is the same- it's a soul who had lived in another Era.

Of course, it would be different no matter what. She went to knock on his door, upon hearing his answer, Mikasa went inside, looking around, she annalized that he is very busy.

" I see, you are doing a lot of work. I come on the wrong time, then, please excuse me."

"No!" Eren shouted and then calm again, he put his papers down. " No, please do come in. Do you have anything to say."

"Ah," Mikasa hesitated but she nodded carefully. " Yes, I had to go back. I wanna know what is happening in my world."

" If you are talking about the vampires lurking around your town, they are all gone now. Thy died for drinking the mortals blood, those idiots, those vampires didn't even think of what is written on the book--"

" No, that's not what I mean," She says firmly. " I want to see my friends too, I didn't think of that before, Sasha is probably worried."

" Sasha?" He ask, surprised and that made Mikasa look up.
" What?huh?yes, Sasha Braus, my friend." He look even more weird now, his expression suddenly became unreadable. His grip on the paper which she noticed, tightened.

"So, she knows and she's in there, hiding."

"What are you talking about?"

"It's nothing." He smiled at her,
" This work is just too much to handle sometimes that's why I suddenly became like that."

" Oh, but will you let me? I have to talk to Sasha."

He sigh," Yes, of course." A sudden ominous feeling took over, the bright room, suddenly darkens and Mikasa do not know what to do. Eren suddenly became so different and the aura around him seem to be the same as before - the same feeling that she got when she first went to his apartment.

Mikasa gulp and nodded, she didn't know anything but this is definitely unpleasant.

"Eren, " she called again and Eren seemed to have snapped out of it. "Are you alright?"

Eren held onto his head but he still manage to nod at her.
" Yes, I'm alright. I'm sorry for earlier," Eren avoided her gaze , Mikasa step forward to him but he step backwards causing her eyes to grow wide and sadness to fill her heart.

"I'll go." She I formed him and no further conversation was ever said.

I didn't notice that I made this a long time ago😩

------------------------------------------------I didn't notice that I made this a long time ago😩

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