“Are you hungry?” He asked again.

I bit my bottom lip as a frustrating cry threatens to leave my mouth before saying, “I'm going home." 

“Whatever I'm hungry.” He sighs as he drives down the road. “What do you want?” He tried again, but I didn't answer him this time. “We're getting Pizza Hut.” He added.

I lean my head to the side against the windows as I watch the buildings pass by us. The streets are empty. Probably because it's past midnight and everyone else is safely tucked away into their bed. Not me. Nope. I'm stuck in a cop car with most likely the world's cockiest cop. 

A little while later, he is munching on pizza as we drive out of town. He got supreme pizza, which is my favorite. I didn't eat any yet. I'm trying to stick to my resolve. I just want to go home.

“You might as well eat the pizza. I have not gone grocery shopping in a few days. I'm low.” He mumbled before whipping his mouth with a napkin as a string of cheese hung from his bottom lip.

“Why do I care?” I snapped. I don't care what he has at home. I recently stocked my kitchen up so as soon as I get home. I'll make me something. Probably a frozen pizza because now I really want some pizza.

“I'll eat at home.” I responded.

“You're not going home-”

“Where am I going then? Maybe that's not safe. You're right. You're going to drop me off at a motel? I can just order something.” I shrugged.

“You're not going to a motel either-”

“What the hell do you mean? Where am I going, Cedric?” I asked. Trying to fight the scream that wants to come out.

“We are going to my house-”

“No I'm not. Take me to a motel!” I screamed at him. It happened. I snapped. Only so much a girl can take in one night, and that's the final straw. That broke the camel's back. 

“Your home is not safe-”

“I know that's why I mentioned motel!”

“Do you know how easy it is to pop a hotel door lock?” He asked, his left eyebrow rising as he waited for my answer.

“Done that before?” I answered his question with a question.

“Look. I said I'd keep you safe. This is me keeping you safe. My home is secure. It has an alarm system. The best. One push of a button will have the entire police department busting through my door.” He growled.

“I don't care. Take me to a hotel, Cedric. You have done your duty-”


“Um what?” I questioned, shocked that he would say that.

“No.” He repeated hard. His tone telling me not to argue.

“What did you say?” I asked, sitting up straighter in the seat, and looked at him carefully.

“You heard me. I'm not repeating.” 

“Take me home.” I demanded.

“I said no.”

“You can't do this! This is kidnapping.” I mumbled. I don't think I could get away with the saying he kidnapped me part, but I'm desperate.

“Kidnapping?” He chuckled.

“This isn't funny. I want to go to a hotel” I snapped.

“You're coming home with me, Avery.” He muttered. “You will be safe. I promise.”

“A motel could keep me safe. Whoever it is doing this won't know where I am.” I said, trying to reason with him.

Surely, he doesn't want me at his house. We barely get along. All we do is argue. Okay, maybe it's me who starts most times, but he is just so frustrating, and perhaps I can't get over him giving me a ticket. Speaking of ticket, I still need to get my license plate changed, or he will just end up giving me another ticket for that.

“It's not happening, Avery.” He sighed, reached over and press a button on the dashboard and soft rock music hit my ears.

“That won't shut me up.” I informed him, raising my voice above the melody.

“Worth a shot.” He mumbled. I almost didn't hear him, but I did, and that just annoyed me. He is trying to use the music for to end this conversation. 

Well, that will not work with me.

 No Sir.

“Be reasonable-” 

“I am.”

“How?” I questioned, turning around In my seat so that I could face him. This I have to understand. How in the world does he think this is him being reasonable?

“You're my sister's friend. Her only friend. I would rather something not happen to you.” He shrugged.

Is that the only reason? I asked myself. My heart stings a little bit. I raise my hand up to my chest and press down. I don't know why but his words just hurt me.

His sister?

That's why he is doing this?

“Well, it would save you a lot of trouble if you would just drop my ass off at a hotel room. You could even get someone to, I don't know, do a stack out or something.” I suggested.

“It's not going to happen, Avery. Get comfy. My house is about fifteen more minutes away.”

“You think I'm in danger, don't you?” I asked. 

“It's just a precaution-”

“No. This is a major precaution, Cedric. You're forcing me to go home with you, meaning you do feel I am in danger.”

“I'm just making sure you're safe, Avery.” He sighed, reached over, placed his hand on top of mine on my lap, and squeezed it.

“You should have listened to me” I whispered. “I told you someone was in my home-”

“I know. I'm sorry, but you have to understand. What I had to go on wasn't much. It didn't look like someone broke in. I still don't understand how they got in to begin with.” He growled.

I didn't say another word. Just sat there, listened to the music and stared out the window. I didn't even notice his hand was still holding onto mine as we headed towards his home.

It never left the entire way. 

And I won't mention this out loud, but I felt much safer with Cedric. Even if he is doing this for his sister. I still appreciate it deep inside. Maybe I should be a little nicer to him. 

My Man Series #1- My PolicemanWhere stories live. Discover now