16. Show & Tell *

Start from the beginning

"Don't fucking touch me. Some friend you are, huh?" You said harshly, Sasha's eyes welling with tears as she begged for you to talk to her.

"I don't want to fucking hear it." You said as you turned around and slammed the bathroom door shut in her face. You were so thankful it was a single person stall so you could lock the door. You debated just leaving and going home at this point.

You heard loud footsteps walking up to the door and a few loud knocks.

"Occupied." You shouted through the closed door.

"Y/n, please listen to me." Eren pleaded and your heart sank. You never imagined him being with another girl, especially like that.

"Fuck off." You said through gritted teeth. You were beyond angry and hurt.

"I fucked up one time, okay? But never with you." Eren tried explaining as he shouted over the music through the door. "Please let me in and explain everything to you."

You hesitantly went to the door, unlocking it and opening it to see Eren standing there, his face solemn.

"Y/n, she was cheating on me all the time." He began to spew his reasoning as he stepped into the bathroom and shut the door behind him. "We weren't even really together it was just a fling."

"That doesn't make what you did right." You said lowly. Even if she was cheating on him first, just break up with her. "Two wrongs don't make it right. That's what we learn in elementary school, no?" You said, your eyes finally meeting his. He looked so sad, his face riddled with worry. It almost made you soften. Almost.

"Have you been seeing Mikasa behind my back?" You asked, your tone stern.

"Only to get coffee the other day. We ran into each other when I was in line and we just decided to catch up for a bit." He explained, anxiously picking at his chipped black nail polish as he spoke.

"Did you guys ever date?" You questioned him again, staring at the wall as you felt tears welling in your eyes and threatening to spill down your cheeks. You didn't want to cry, you were tired of being upset and crying all the time.

Eren shook his head, leaning against the door.

"No, we never dated. I think we tried to but it just didn't work out. I don't like her like that." He said confidently, his eyes never leaving yours.

Your head snapped to look at him, the tears retreating as his words made you hot with anger again.

"You only liked her enough to fuck her, then? How do I know that I'm not just a 'fling'?" You said quickly, making air quotes with your fingers.

Eren was silent. He didn't know what to say or how to comfort you, all he could do was look at you. Your eyes were tired and your lips were pink with the redness in your flushed cheeks. He reached his hand out to grab yours and you slapped it away.

"Don't touch me." You spat, moving to the side of him to open the door but he blocked it with his body and grabbed your hand again.

"I said don't touch me!" You almost yelled, your voice cracking when he pressed his lips to yours in a passionate kiss. You tried to pull away but Eren wrapped his muscular arms around you, tightly holding you against his chest as you softly kissed him back. The smell of his cologne was intoxicating and his arms gave you the sense of security that you seemed to always long for. It was a few more moments before he pulled away, his hand caressing your cheek with his thumb as he looked down at you.

"I would never do anything behind your back to hurt you. I love you so much, y/n." He said sternly, his voice a little raspy.

You just nodded once, avoiding eye contact with him as you pulled away and looked up at him as his hands trailed down your sides to your waist.

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