Chapter 1

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Harry's POV

Everything was going great. We were writing our fifth album before going on tour again, and we were finally moved on from Zayn leaving. But something was off. I wasn't feeling like myself lately. It's like a part of me is missing, but I can't seem to figure out what it is. I've been losing weight, not eating, and I don't know why. The guys have been noticing my weight loss, and how i'm not as energetic and cheerful like I usually am. but I really don't know why. Luckily the fans haven't noticed yet, since we are not touring right now and I am trying to avoid being seen in public as much as possible. Liam keeps pestering me to make myself a doctor's appointment, but I keep telling him I'm fine, as I don't want to worry him or anyone else. 

Liam's POV

I've been noticing that something isn't right with Harry. He isn't eating, he has been losing weight, and he hasn't been as cheerful or focused on writing the new album, which isn't like him at all. I'm really worried about him, and I think the other guys are too. We haven't talked about it together, But I think we all know something is off with him. 

Forward to the studio

Harry's POV

My leg had been stiff hurting all day. It started off as a dull pain, But now it feels like my knee is being stabbed with a knife, and it's making me start to limp. Louis had noticed that I was limping, but I told him that I had just tripped getting out of bed this morning. The day went on as normal. I got some questions from Louis when I didn't touch my lunch, but my stomach has been a bit off since last night, and I was worried that eating would just make it worse. 

When we got back to the studio recording I started to feel dizzy, but brushed it off, telling myself it was from the lack of food in my system. I was in the booth recording my parts the pain in my leg became about 10 times worse, making it hard to concentrate on singing. The other boys noticed and came into the booth because they saw me stop singing. By now the pain was making it hard to see. By now I was doubled over from the pain. 

"Harry, mate are you okay?" That was the last thing I heard before leaning against a wall and collapsing on the floor.

"Leg hurts, so dizzy" Those were to only words I was able to choke out before being devoured into a world of darkness and and loud screams.

"Quick! Call an ambulance!"

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