A "date" with Mako-chan

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Today was the day. What day was it? It is just like any other day, but today is where I have to pretend to be Amikura or I guess for today, Mako's boyfriend.

She asked me to pretend to be her boyfriend just for this once and I agree. I mean what's the worst thing that could happen? Well there might be rumors that we are dating and might cause a misunderstanding, but I figured I could always clear the misunderstanding by telling the reason why I went with Amikura.

Since her friends were also coming along with their boyfriends, I figured I'll dress up nicely. I'm not the person that really cares about what I wear, but I want to make a good impression so they think that I was well prepared for this just like what a good partner does.

This is was also the best time to see what I will look like in these clothes. I was curious about trying it, so maybe this wasn't so bad. I saw many boys wear these from the internet. 

(Imagine kiyo wearing black pants, a black hoodie,and those rings for aesthetic.)
I got a message from Amikura that we would meet at the center of Keyaki Mall, but she wanted us to meet somewhere else before we meet with her friends. She asked me to see her near the mall and I gave her a thumbs up message.

I wonder why she wants me to meet her? Not that it's it's problem, though.

I went to the location where she wants us to meet and sat on the bench that was there. After a little while, I saw Amikura walking towards me and she looks cute with the clothes she was wearing right now. She was also wearing a hoodie like me. Coincidences can be freaky, huh?

"I'm sorry for calling you out here and making you wait," said Amikura and bowed her head. She didn't need to apologize and bow her head for me. It kind of look like she works for me.

"You don't need to apologize and don't bow your head to me. Besides, I was the one that agreed to this anyways."


Amikura rose her head and then she began to look what I was wearing. I could see her face a bit red. Was it because of I was wearing and was embarrassing to loom at?

"Do I look weird?"

"N-not at all. It looks good on you actually."

"Really? I was worried because I thought it was embarrassing to look at since your face is red."

After I said this, she gave me a look of confusion. Did I say something wrong?



When I saw Ayanokoji-kun, he was sitting down on the bench and was waiting for me. I immediately bowed my head for the troubles.

"You don't need to apologize and don't bow your head to me. Besides, I was the one that agreed to this anyways," he said.

"O-okay," I meekly replied.

I looked towards Ayanokoji-kun, and when I got a good look of what he was wearing since I didn't get too see it clearly, my face began heating up. 

Can you blame, me? He looks... uhm hot in that outfit. Yes, I'm being blunt about it.

I knew he was in the top 5 ikemen rankings in our year that we girls made. I can probably see why Honami-chan is fond of him. He has the looks and is reliable.

Wait, what am I thinking? Ayanokoji-kun is for Honami-chan. Well, he isn't dating anyone so I guess anyone can go for him, probably even myself if I knew more about him.

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