Start from the beginning

     When the three sisters arrived at the theatre, they were surprisingly met with three faces, instead of two. And oh goodness, Cora was not at all happy to see the third face that joined their party.

     "I didn't know you were bringing someone, Teddy," Jo spoke, raising her eyebrows in confusion. "It was a last minute decision," Laurie spoke sheepishly, rubbing his arm. "Well, who he is?"

     "He's my friend," Laurie said, being quite vague as to who this mysterious third person was. "Didn't know you had any," Jo muttered, getting a sharp nudge from Meg for her bad manners. "Don't mind my sister, she's very outspoken sometimes," Meg said, speaking to the third man.

     "Like they say, it runs in the family," The man said cheekily. "What's that supposed to mean?" Jo asked, glaring at the man, not at all liking him. "Your dear sister Delia is just like that," He responded with a wink.

     "Delia!" Jo exclaimed, turning round quickly to face her sister with a look of confusion on her face. "My evenings ruined," Cora just muttered in response, walking away from the group.

     "Pleasure seeing you too, Delia!" The man shouted after her. "She does know where we're sitting, right?" Mr Brooke asked, expressing some worry for Cora. "I'll go tell her," Laurie spoke, walking off into the direction Cora just went.

      "Who are you!" Jo exclaimed in frustration, once again glaring at the man who had probably just made her little sister leave. "Charles Miller, pleasure to be in your acquaintance," He said adjusting his posture to seem more formal and trying to take Jo's hand in his, so he could place a kiss of formalities on it, but she just shrugged his hand off harshly.

     "I think my evening is ruined too," Jo mumbled, walking away as well, leaving Meg with Mr Brooke and Charles Miller.

     To try to rid the awkward tension that was between them, Meg tried starting a conversation, but failed.

     To save Meg from the embarrassment, Jo came back and took her arm and dragged her into the theatre, Mr Brooke and Charles Miller following.

     "Why did Teddy invite you?" Jo grumbled, glaring at Charles. "Why do you need to know?" "I'm his friend," "So am I," "Shame."

     "LIA WAIT UP!" Laurie shouted, running to try to catch up with Cora. As soon as he reached her, Cora grabbed his arm and dragged him along with her to wherever they were going to sit. "You're sitting next to me," She stated, flopping down onto the seat with her arms crossed and a frown on her face.

     "What's the matter?" Laurie questioned, sitting down beside her. To be fair, he probably could already guess why Cora was frowning, and that was because of Charles Miller.

     "You know what is," Cora groaned, leaning back into her seat and closing her eyes. "He's so irritable and exasperating and-" "Insufferable?" Laurie suggested. "Yes! Insufferable, thank you, Laurie!" Cora thanked, continuing on with her list of negative adjectives to describe Charles.

     "What did he do this time?" Laurie asked, "He's my dance partner for the stupid performance!" Cora complained, "I thought you were looking forward to it?" "I was! Until I found out he was my partner!" "It can't be that bad-"

     "It is that bad!" Cora exclaimed, glaring at Laurie for suggesting such a thing. "He keeps stepping on my toes, he can't dance to save his life-"

     "That's quite hurtful, my dear Delia!" Charles gasped from behind, Cora putting a hand on his heart. "And he calls me that stupid name, Delia," Cora muttered, ignoring Charles. "I quite like it," He said, shrugging. "Well, I don't like it either," Jo huffed, making Laurie move up a seat, so she could sit next to her sister.

     "Well, it's not up to you to decide whether you like it or not-" "She's my sister, of course it is!" "But it's not your nickname!" "It's clear she doesn't like it!" "When has she ever said that!" "She just called it stupid, are you deaf?" "I-"

     "Oh, be quiet both of you," Meg scolded, and that was that.

     The play had ended and to Cora's delight she was able to sit next to Laurie again as she and Jo swapped places, so she could get a better view.

     In the end, the evening was quite nice, except being in the company of Charles Miller.

     "I am quite sorry for inviting him," Laurie whispered just as they were about to part ways. "It's fine," Cora said, shrugging off Laurie's apology. "He has a way of weaseling himself into things that he has no business in being in."

     "Amen!" Jo spoke, agreeing wholeheartedly with her sister. "His first impression wasn't that good," She said, getting a look from Meg, "Oh come on Meg it's true!"

     "It may as well be, but it is quite rude-" "He was rude too," Cora inputted with a shrug. "Ame-" "I had a great time this evening ladies, I hope to see you again soon," Charles spoke, interrupting Jo, earning another glare from her as he approached the group.

     "I don't," Jo said whispering in Cora's ear, "I'll have to see him tomorrow," She whispered back with a sigh. "Good luck with that, I've got no idea how you stand him."

     "Delia, I shall see you tomorrow," He declared, waving at Cora, who just ignored him. "And don't worry, I won't step on your toes!"

     "I should hope not," Cora replied with a scowl, "You have two left feet!" "I love it when you compliment me, Delia!"

     "It's not-" "Ew, no," Jo spoke, pulling a face and grabbing her sister's arms and pulling them away from the group.

     "I'll miss you too, Jo!" Charles shouted from behind. "That's a shame! I definitely won't!"

     "Thank you for inviting us!" Meg called out to Mr Brooke and Laurie. "We had a lovely time!"

     "That boy is so-" Jo started before getting cut off by Cora. "Insufferable?" "Aggravating too!" "Annoying?" "Insubordinate!" "Definitely a fool," "Egotistical!"

     "Quite cheeky," Meg stated, joining in on her sister's remarks about the boy. "See Meg! You agree!" Jo grinned, nudging Meg. "Yes, but I would never say any of this in front of him-"

     "Oh, don't worry, we'll do it for you," Cora smiled happily. "Now, forgetting about that boy, how was the play?"

Authors Note

LADIES AND GENTLEMEN WELCOME CHARLES MILLER!! Isn't he amazing? 'My dear Delia' 😍😍 Chapter was quite short but Amy's gon be burnin those pages soon so wanted to add all that in a longer chapter. I have no clue if I should add more Laurie and Cora content or stick to the movie storyline for a bit. Because tbh idk what to add of them. Maybe more letters? Maybe I'll dedicate a chapter to Charles too? Maybe giving an insight into Cora's dance place?

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