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Chapter Seven||The Affair
"I like purple flowers. Choose your pick."


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     Oh lord, how much has happened over the span of a week! I have so much to tell you, but not enough time to do so! Jo said you've been quite busy with your ballet and hence is the reason why I have not seen you since that faithful meeting last week.

     If I may inquire, what have you been doing that has made you so busy? I have not seen you around the house for this past week, and I have honestly been at the house for a considerably long time throughout this week. Grandfather is a slight bit bothered since I have been missing some lessons, but no matter!

     While you've been away, Jo and I have gone on many adventures together. Speaking of Jo, she has asked me why there are so many letters addressed to you from me, but I simply have changed the subject multiple times when she's asked about that.

     Back onto the original topic, earlier this week me and Jo went out for a picnic with your sisters, although it was snowy and freezing. We all made snowmen and Beth judged them for us. Amy won, by the way, and she had her ego inflated tons. I do wish you were there with us, Jo must have told you about every other adventure we've had together, so I won't bore you and go into details about them.

     I do hope you're enjoying your ballet and I cannot wait to see you again



     You're very sweet, Laurie, I have to give it to you. No wonder my mother thinks of you as so charming. Me, on the other hand, I don't think so. I'm surprised Jo and my sisters haven't got sick and tired of your constant presence yet.

     But onto that question you asked, Jo already told you the answer, ballet. My instructor has decided to host a performance this year and wanted all of our attention on it, so that means more time at the studio and less time at home, which is quite unfortunate. I am quite excited for it nonetheless, we've been auditioning for the past couple of days to see who will get the role of what position. 

     I also think you're exaggerating the 'week without me' a bit. It's been four days at most, not yet a week. And don't mind my opinion, but I do think you should stop skipping lessons to spend time with my sisters. You know what they say, education is the key to surviving.

     Jo's very nosey, if that's one thing I know about her, and I mean that in the nicest way possible. If you do wish, you can tell her that it's just a friendly letter conversation between two friends. I don't think she will mind but even if she does, well, that's not my problem.

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